The early development of markets and fairs is an issue of central significance in economic history and historical geography. (41) To that effect the Management Board should be appointed in such a way as to secure the highest standard of competence, a broad range of relevant expertise, for instance in management and in public administration, and the broadest possible geographic distribution within the Union. (44) The Authority should cooperate closely with competent bodies in the Member States if it is to operate effectively. After the adoption of the general budget of the European Union by the budgetary authority, the Management Board shall adopt the Authority's final budget and work programme, adjusting them where necessary to the Community's contribution. The Commission shall be responsible for managing the network. Similar issues relating to feed safety should be addressed. (11) In order to take a sufficiently comprehensive and integrated approach to food safety, there should be a broad definition of food law covering a wide range of provisions with a direct or indirect effect on the safety of food and feed, including provisions on materials and articles in contact with food, animal feed and other agricultural inputs at the level of primary production. It shall not apply to primary production for private domestic use or to the domestic preparation, handling or storage of food for private domestic consumption. In 2000, the European Commission issued a Communication on the Precautionary Principle.The objective of the Communication is to outline the Commission's approach to using the prec… The Committee shall carry out the functions assigned to it by this Regulation and by other relevant Community provisions, in the cases and conditions provided for in those provisions. The measures shall be reviewed within a reasonable period of time, depending on the nature of the risk to life or health identified and the type of scientific information needed to clarify the scientific uncertainty and to conduct a more comprehensive risk assessment. The Authority shall inform the European Parliament, the Commission and the Member States of the results of its scientific studies. 2. 1. The Authority shall ensure that the public and any interested parties are rapidly given objective, reliable and easily accessible information, in particular with regard to the results of its work. 1.This Regulation provides the basis for the assurance of a high level of protection of human health and consumers' interest in relation to food, taking into account in particular the diversity in the supply of food including traditional products, whilst ensuring the effective functioning of the internal market. Official Journal L 031 , 01/02/2002 P. 0001 - 0024. The Scientific Committee shall be responsible for the general coordination necessary to ensure the consistency of the scientific opinion procedure, in particular with regard to the adoption of working procedures and harmonisation of working methods. 3. (23) The safety and confidence of consumers within the Community, and in third countries, are of paramount importance. 10. Where reference is made to this paragraph, the procedure laid down in Article 5 of Decision 1999/468/EC shall apply, in compliance with Articles 7 and 8 thereof. 30). This Regulation provides the basis for the assurance of a high level of protection of human health and consumers' interest in relation to food, taking into account in particular the diversity in the supply of food including traditional products, whilst ensuring the effective functioning of the internal market. In order to achieve these objectives, the Authority shall develop and disseminate information material for the general public.3. (6) Water is ingested directly or indirectly like other foods, thereby contributing to the overall exposure of a consumer to ingested substances, including chemical and microbiological contaminants. Measures adopted on the basis of paragraph 1 shall be proportionate and no more restrictive of trade than is required to achieve the high level of health protection chosen in the Community, regard being had to technical and economic feasibility and other factors regarded as legitimate in the matter under consideration. It shall not apply to primary production for private domestic use or to the domestic preparation, handling or storage of food for private domestic consumption. Those declarations shall be made annually in writing.2. It shall provide opinions on multisectoral issues falling within the competence of more than one Scientific Panel, and on issues which do not fall within the competence of any of the Scientific Panels. 1. However, for the first mandate, this period shall be six years for half of the members.3. It shall analyse the content of such messages with a view to providing the Commission and the Member States with any information required for the purposes of risk analysis.Article 36Networking of organisations operating in the fields within the Authority's mission1. 5. The establishment of a European Food Safety Authority, hereinafter referred to as "the Authority", should reinforce the present system of scientific and technical support which is no longer able to respond to increasing demands on it. (27) OJ L 147, 9.6.1975, p. 13. Within one year following the date of entry into force of this Regulation, the Commission shall publish an inventory of data collection systems existing at Community level in the fields within the mission of the Authority.The report, which shall be accompanied, where appropriate, by proposals, shall indicate in particular:(a) for each system, the role which should be assigned to the Authority, and any modifications or improvements which might be required to enable the Authority to carry out its mission, in cooperation with the Member States;(b) the shortcomings which should be remedied to enable the Authority to collect and summarise at Community level relevant scientific and technical data in the fields within its mission.6. Members of the Advisory Forum may not be members of the Management Board. 2. The Authority shall contribute to a high level of protection of human life and health, and in this respect take account of animal health and welfare, plant health and the environment, in the context of the operation of the internal market.4. "retail" means the handling and/or processing of food and its storage at the point of sale or delivery to the final consumer, and includes distribution terminals, catering operations, factory canteens, institutional catering, restaurants and other similar food service operations, shops, supermarket distribution centres and wholesale outlets;8. The Authority shall commence its operations on 1 January 2002. Although this principle exists in some Member States and areas of food law, in other areas this is either not explicit or else responsibility is assumed by the competent authorities of the Member State through the control activities they carry out. Close cooperation between the Authority, the Commission and the Member States is also necessary to ensure the coherence of the global communication process. As soon as possible and within three months of such communication, the European Parliament may make its views available for consideration by the Council, which will then appoint the Management Board. Feed that complies with specific Community provisions governing feed safety shall be deemed to be safe insofar as the aspects covered by the specific Community provisions are concerned.5. Regulation as last amended by Regulation (EC, ECSC, Euratom) No 762/2001 (OJ L 111, 20.4.2001, p. 7. (7) Directive 2001/18/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 March 2001 on the deliberate release into the environment of genetically modified organisms and repealing Council Directive 90/220/EEC (OJ L 106, 17.4.2001, p. In this event, it shall immediately inform the other Member States and the Commission. The Commission shall be responsible for managing the network.2. (43) The Management Board should have the necessary powers to establish the budget, check its implementation, draw up internal rules, adopt financial regulations, appoint members of the Scientific Committee and Scientific Panels and appoint the Executive Director. B NAŘÍZENÍ EVROPSKÉHO PARLAMENTU A RADY (ES) č. This Regulation shall be without prejudice to the competence conferred on the European Agency for the Evaluation of Medicinal Products by Regulation (EEC) No 2309/93, Regulation (EEC) No 2377/90, Council Directive 75/319/EEC(27) and Council Directive 81/851/EEC(28). 1. In such cases, it shall draw on the expertise of those working groups when establishing scientific opinions.3. (25) OJ L 210, 7.8.1985, p. 29. Search for: FOOD LAW LATEST. Moreover, the auditing of accounts should be undertaken by the Court of Auditors. In all Member States it shall enjoy the widest powers granted by law to legal persons. A feed business operator responsible for retail or distribution activities which do not affect the packaging, labelling, safety or integrity of the feed shall, within the limits of its respective activities, initiate procedures to withdraw from the market products not in compliance with the feed-safety requirements and shall participate in contributing to the safety of food by passing on relevant information necessary to trace a feed, cooperating in the action taken by producers, processors, manufacturers and/or the competent authorities. Original (As adopted by EU): The original version of the legislation as it stood when it was first adopted in the EU. The aim of such networking is, in particular, to facilitate a scientific cooperation framework by the coordination of activities, the exchange of information, the development and implementation of joint projects, the exchange of expertise and best practices in the fields within the Authority's mission. The Community should have access to high-quality, independent and efficient scientific and technical support. These should include issues having a direct or indirect impact on the safety of the food and feed supply chains, animal health and welfare, and plant health. 8. A review of Community data collection networks already existing in the fields covered by the Authority is called for. Versions (EU) No 652/2014 05/15/2014 (A) 06/27/2014 (P) Regulation (EG) Nr. 6. Similar issues relating to feed safety should be addressed. The EU Version currently on EUR-lex is the version that currently applies in the EU i.e you may need this if you operate a business in the EU. 1). 3. Consequently, it is necessary to establish that this Regulation is without prejudice to the competence conferred on the EMEA by Community legislation, including powers conferred by Council Regulation (EEC) No 2377/90 of 26 June 1990 laying down a Community procedure for the establishment of maximum residue limits of veterinary medicinal products in foodstuffs of animal origin(20). Measures adopted on the basis of paragraph 1 shall be proportionate and no more restrictive of trade than is required to achieve the high level of health protection chosen in the Community, regard being had to technical and economic feasibility and other factors regarded as legitimate in the matter under consideration. Justifications for the refusal shall be given to the institution or Member State(s) that made the request.5. It should be done in an open and transparent fashion and the Authority should take into account existing Community expertise and structures. 4. The Executive Director shall be appointed by the Management Board, on the basis of a list of candidates proposed by the Commission after an open competition, following publication in the Official Journal of the European Communities and elsewhere of a call for expressions of interest, for a period of five years which shall be renewable. (21) In those specific circumstances where a risk to life or health exists but scientific uncertainty persists, the precautionary principle provides a mechanism for determining risk management measures or other actions in order to ensure the high level of health protection chosen in the Community. 1. (18) In order for there to be confidence in the scientific basis for food law, risk assessments should be undertaken in an independent, objective and transparent manner, on the basis of the available scientific information and data. 1. The Management Board, having received the Commission's approval and the opinion of the Court of Auditors, shall adopt the Authority's financial regulation which specifies in particular the procedure for drawing up and implementing the Authority's budget, in accordance with Article 142 of the Financial Regulation of 21 December 1977 applicable to the general budget of the European Communities(26) and with the legislative requirements concerning investigations conducted by the European Anti-Fraud Office. 3. Regulamentul (CE) nr. Consumers must have confidence and assurance that the food they buy will do them no harm or have an adverse effect. 2. It should be done in an open and transparent fashion and the Authority should take into account existing Community expertise and structures. Scroll down for all important documents related to this publishing. (4) Opinion of the European Parliament of 12 June 2001 (not yet published in the Official Journal), Council Common Position of 17 September 2001 (not yet published in the Official Journal) and Decision of the European Parliament of 11 December 2001 (not yet published in the Official Journal). The Management Board shall be composed of 14 members appointed by the Council in consultation with the European Parliament from a list drawn up by the Commission which includes a number of candidates substantially higher than the number of members to be appointed, plus a representative of the Commission. The report, which shall be accompanied, where appropriate, by proposals, shall indicate in particular: (a) for each system, the role which should be assigned to the Authority, and any modifications or improvements which might be required to enable the Authority to carry out its mission, in cooperation with the Member States; (b) the shortcomings which should be remedied to enable the Authority to collect and summarise at Community level relevant scientific and technical data in the fields within its mission. The Authority shall exercise vigilance in order to identify at an early stage any potential source of divergence between its scientific opinions and the scientific opinions issued by other bodies carrying out similar tasks. The tasks of providing scientific and technical assistance shall consist of scientific or technical work involving the application of well-established scientific or technical principles which does not require scientific evaluation by the Scientific Committee or a Scientific Panel. The Management Board shall ensure that these programmes are consistent with the Community's legislative and policy priorities in the area of food safety. RÈGLEMENT (CE) No 178/2002 DU PARLEMENT EUROPÉEN ET DU CONSEIL du 28 janvier 2002 établissantlesprincipesgénérauxetlesprescriptionsgénéralesdelalégislationalimentaire,insti-tuantl'Autoritéeuropéennedesécuritédesalimentsetfixantdesprocéduresrelativesàlasécurité des denrées alimentaires LEPARLEMENTEUROPÉENETLECONSEILDEL'UNION EUROPÉENNE, … Without prejudice to other Community legislation, the Member States shall immediately notify the Commission under the rapid alert system of: (a) any measure they adopt which is aimed at restricting the placing on the market or forcing the withdrawal from the market or the recall of food or feed in order to protect human health and requiring rapid action; (b) any recommendation or agreement with professional operators which is aimed, on a voluntary or obligatory basis, at preventing, limiting or imposing specific conditions on the placing on the market or the eventual use of food or feed on account of a serious risk to human health requiring rapid action; (c) any rejection, related to a direct or indirect risk to human health, of a batch, container or cargo of food or feed by a competent authority at a border post within the European Union. (15) Networking of laboratories of excellence, at regional and/or interregional level, with the aim of ensuring continuous monitoring of food safety, could play an important role in the prevention of potential health risks for citizens. Regolamento (CE) n. 178/2002 del Parlamento europeo e del Consiglio, del 28 gennaio 2002, che stabilisce i principi e i requisiti generali della legislazione alimentare, istituisce l'Autorità europea per la sicurezza alimentare e fissa procedure nel campo della sicurezza alimentare Publication metadata Download and languages Close. Menu. 2. (3) The free movement of food and feed within the Community can be achieved only if food and feed safety requirements do not differ significantly from Member State to Member State. 4. The Authority shall seek to avoid duplication with Member State or Community research programmes and shall foster cooperation through appropriate coordination. These rules shall specify in particular: (a) the procedure to be applied by the Authority to the requests referred to it; (b) the guidelines governing the scientific evaluation of substances, products or processes which are subject under Community legislation to a system of prior authorisation or entry on a positive list, in particular where Community legislation makes provision for, or authorises, a dossier to be presented for this purpose by the applicant. 1. 2. The Commission shall transmit this information immediately to the members of the network.The Authority may supplement the notification with any scientific or technical information, which will facilitate rapid, appropriate risk management action by the Member States.3. Where those effects have yet to be applied to the text of the legislation by the editorial team they are also listed alongside the legislation in the affected provisions. 3. 2. "risk management" means the process, distinct from risk assessment, of weighing policy alternatives in consultation with interested parties, considering risk assessment and other legitimate factors, and, if need be, selecting appropriate prevention and control options; 13. The aim of such networking is, in particular, to facilitate a scientific cooperation framework by the coordination of activities, the exchange of information, the development and implementation of joint projects, the exchange of expertise and best practices in the fields within the Authority's mission.2. 2. The Member State may maintain its national interim protective measures until the Community measures have been adopted. "feed" (or "feedingstuff") means any substance or product, including additives, whether processed, partially processed or unprocessed, intended to be used for oral feeding to animals; 5. Food shall be deemed to be unsafe if it is considered to be:(a) injurious to health;(b) unfit for human consumption.3. The Member State may maintain its national interim protective measures until the Community measures have been adopted.SECTION 3CRISIS MANAGEMENTArticle 55General plan for crisis management1. The Executive Director shall be the legal representative of the Authority and shall be responsible for: (a) the day-to-day administration of the Authority; (b) drawing up a proposal for the Authority's work programmes in consultation with the Commission; (c) implementing the work programmes and the decisions adopted by the Management Board; (d) ensuring the provision of appropriate scientific, technical and administrative support for the Scientific Committee and the Scientific Panels; (e) ensuring that the Authority carries out its tasks in accordance with the requirements of its users, in particular with regard to the adequacy of the services provided and the time taken; (f) the preparation of the statement of revenue and expenditure and the execution of the budget of the Authority; (h) developing and maintaining contact with the European Parliament, and for ensuring a regular dialogue with its relevant committees.
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