It has been suggested that Dante (1265–1321) might have read Lucretius's poem, as a few verses of his Divine Comedy exhibit a great affinity with De rerum natura, but there is no conclusive evidence that Dante ever read Lucretius. [1] Namely, Lucretius explores the principles of atomism; the nature of the mind and soul; explanations of sensation and thought; the development of the world and its phenomena; and explains a variety of celestial and terrestrial phenomena. Das Lehrgedicht De rerum natura („Über die Natur der Dinge“) des römischen Dichters Lukrez ist die bedeutendste und eingängigste Darstellung der antiken Atomlehre. ("Agamemnon", "Hom. "Prolegomena". [55][56], While there exist a handful of references to Lucretius in Romance and Germanic sources dating between the ninth and fifteenth centuries (references that, according to Ada Palmer, "indicate a tenacious, if spotty knowledge of the poet and some knowledge of [his] poem"), no manuscripts of De rerum natura currently survive from this span of time. Jahrhundert v. Chr. Lateinische Lehrbücher I-VI. [94], Notable figures who owned copies include Ben Jonson whose copy is held at the Houghton Library, Harvard; and Thomas Jefferson, who owned at least five Latin editions and English, Italian and French translations. [5] In response, many scholars argue that the poet uses Venus poetically as a metonym. Jump to navigation Jump to search Ein unendlich freier Gesang von Lukrez am 12. Buch - deutsch : 1. Od. [48] O is currently housed at Leiden University. De rerum natura (deutsch Über die Natur der Dinge oder Vom Wesen des Weltalls) ist ein aus dem 1. [93] His Essays contain almost a hundred quotes from De rerum natura. Lucretius opens his poem by addressing Venus not only as the mother of Rome (Aeneadum genetrix) but also as the veritable mother of nature (Alma Venus), urging her to pacify her lover Mars and spare Rome from strife. To do this, Epicurus invoked the atomism of Democritus to demonstrate that the material universe was formed not by a Supreme Being, but by the mixing of elemental particles that had existed from all eternity governed by certain simple laws. Perseus provides credit for all accepted )[18], The state of the poem as it currently exists suggests that it was released in an unfinished state. [51] The third and final ninth-century manuscript—which comprises the Schedae Gottorpienses fragment (commonly called G and located in the Kongelige Bibliotek of Copenhagen) and the Schedae Vindobonenses fragments (commonly called V and U and located in the Austrian National Library in Vienna)—was christened by Butterfield as S and has been dated to the latter part of the ninth century. line to jump to another position: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 United States License,,,, [97], In 2011, the historian and literary scholar Stephen Greenblatt wrote a popular history book about the poem, entitled The Swerve: How the World Became Modern. The shape of these atoms, their properties, their movements, the laws under which they enter into combination and assume forms and qualities appreciable by the senses, with other preliminary matters on their nature and affections, together with a refutation of objections and opposing hypotheses, occupy the first two books. Perseus provides credit for all accepted changes, storing new additions in a versioning system. [43] In c. AD 380, St. Jerome would contend in his Chronicon that Cicero amended and edited De rerum natura,[44] although most scholars argue that this is an erroneous claim;[45] the classicist David Butterfield argues that this mistake was likely made by Jerome (or his sources) because the earliest reference to Lucretius is in the aforementioned letter from Cicero. • Bailey, C. (1947). These phenomena are the result of regular, but purposeless motions and interactions of tiny atoms in empty space. [1], Machiavelli made a copy early in his life. But to lay down which of them it is lies beyond the range of our stumbling progress. An XML version of this text is available for download, I have translated from my own text published in the Bibliotheca Oxoniensi. De rerum natura De rerum natura (deutsch Über die Natur der Dinge oder Vom Wesen des Weltalls) ist ein aus dem 1. Rom Der lateinische Autor Lukrez und sein grandioses Weltgedicht: „De rerum natura“ erklärt die Natur und die Schönheit des Lebens, doch auch die … In seinem Werk „de rerum natura“ versucht er im Gewand der Dichtung dem römischen Volk die Lehre des Epikurs nahe zu bringen. This wrath was supposed to be displayed by the misfortunes inflicted in this life and by the everlasting tortures that were the lot of the guilty in a future state (or, where these feelings were not strongly developed, from a vague dread of gloom and misery after death). [24] What is more, Lucretius does not deny the existence of deities;[25][26] he simply argues that they did not create the universe, that they do not care about human affairs, and that they do not intervene in the world. Die spärlichen Angaben stammen großteils aus späten Quellen und sind widersprüchlich und zum Teil wenig glaubwürdig. "[16][17] (Of note, Lucretius repeats these 25 lines, almost verbatim, in the introduction to the fourth book. De rerum natura (Titus Lucretius Carus) E Wikisource. (3): Cross-references in general dictionaries to this page Full search TITVS LVCRETIVS CARVS (c. 94 – c. 49 B.C.) [5] To further alleviate the fear of non-existence, Lucretius makes use of the symmetry argument: he argues that the eternal oblivion awaiting all humans after death is exactly the same as the infinite nothingness that preceded our birth. However, Memmius' name is central to several critical verses in the poem, and this theory has therefore been largely discredited. [23] Regardless, due to the ideas espoused in the poem, much of Lucretius's work was seen by many as direct a challenge to theistic, Christian belief. For the documentary television series, see, Lucretius was quoted by several early Christian writers, including, List of English translations of De rerum natura, "Hortus Apertus – La fortuna – Dante e Lucrezio", "Gian Francesco Poggio Bracciolini" (2013), "The 2012 Pulitzer Prize Winners: General Nonfiction", "2011 National Book Award Winner, Nonfiction", "An Unearthed Treasure That Changed Things", "The Answer Man: An Ancient Poem Was Rediscovered—and the World Swerved", "Book review: 'The Swerve: How the World Became Modern, Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology,, Pages using multiple image with auto scaled images, Articles with Latin-language sources (la), Wikipedia articles with SUDOC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with WorldCat-VIAF identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 9 December 2020, at 23:10. Your current position in the text is marked in blue. Ergo hominum genus in cassum frustraque laborat semper et in curis consumit inanibus aevom, ni mirum quia non cognovit quae sit habendi finis et omnino quoad crescat vera voluptas; idque minutatim vitam provexit in altum et belli magnos commovit funditus aestus. [90][91] (About a century later, the British historian and Doctor of the Church Bede produced a work also called De natura rerum, partly based on Isidore's work but apparently ignorant of Lucretius's poem. [71][72] David Butterfield also writes that "clear echoes and/or responses" to De rerum natura can be detected in the works of the Roman elegiac poets Catullus, Propertius, and Tibullus, as well as the lyric poet Horace. [3][20][21] Some have suggested that Lucretius died before being able to edit, finalize, and publish his work. changes, storing new additions in a versioning system. [4][5] By recalling the opening to poems by Homer, Ennius, and Hesiod (all of which begin with an invocation to the Muses), the proem to De rerum natura conforms to epic convention. [89] Lactantius also disparages the science of De rerum natura (as well as of Epicureanism in general), calls Lucretius "the most worthless of the poets" (poeta inanissimus), notes that he is unable to read more than a few lines of De rerum natura without laughing, and sarcastically asks, "Who would think that [Lucretius] had a brain when he said these things? The De rerum natura is, as its title confirms, a work ofphysics, written in the venerable tradition of Greek treatises Onnature. He likens the physical body to a vessel that holds both the mind (mens) and spirit (anima). „DE RERUM NATURA” ... Aus den Dingen selbst, aus ihrer Beschaffenheit, erklärt Lukrez die Phänomene, die, zusammengenommen, unsere Welt ergeben. In that case, nature would never have produced anything. Von nichts kommt nichts.” Lukrez, Titus Lucretius Carus - De rerum natura. Your current position in the text is marked in blue. Buch (deutsche Übersetzung v. K.L.v.Knebel) Titus Lucretius Carus. "[5], Lucretius was almost certainly read by the imperial poet Marcus Manilius (fl. "[35], Despite his advocacy of empiricism and his many correct conjectures about atomism and the nature of the physical world, Lucretius concludes his first book stressing the absurdity of the (by then well-established) round earth theory, favor instead a flat earth cosmology. [10] The German classicists Ivo Bruns and Samuel Brandt set forth an alternative theory that Lucretius did at first write the poem with Memmius in mind, but that his enthusiasm for his patron cooled over time. Mutter der Aeneaden, o Wonne der Menschen und Götter, Holde Venus! [29], De rerum natura does not argue that the soul does not exist; rather, the poem claims that the soul, like all things in existence, is made up of atoms, and because these atoms will one day drift apart, the human soul is not immortal. De rerum natura 1. [1][38] According to Lucretius, this unpredictable swerve occurs at no fixed place or time: When atoms move straight down through the void by their own weight, they deflect a bit in space at a quite uncertain time and in uncertain places, just enough that you could say that their motion has changed. [1] Additionally, in his essay "Of Books", he lists Lucretius along with Virgil, Horace, and Catullus as his four top poets. ISBN 0133923908. [34] For instance, when considering the reason for stellar movements, Lucretius provides two possible explanations: that the sky itself rotates, or that the sky as a whole is stationary while constellations move. Lukrez, De rerum natura Titus Lucretius Carus: kaum verlässliche Informationen über die Vita von Lukrez Lebensdaten vielleicht 97–55 v. Chr. If Lucretius's poem were to be definitely placed at the Villa of the Papyri, it would suggest that it was studied by the Neapolitan Epicurean school. Zumindest deutet sein W… The manuscript that Poggio discovered did not survive, but a copy (the "Codex Laurentianus 35.30") of it by Poggio's friend, Niccolò de' Niccoli, did, and today it is kept at the Laurentian Library in Florence. Werk: philosophisches Lehrgedicht De rerum natura erstes bedeutendes und vollständig erhaltenes Lehrgedicht der römischen Antike einem Dichtermäzen namens C. Memmius gewidmet [84][85] Additionally, Pliny the Elder lists Lucretius (presumably referring to his De rerum natura) as a source at the beginning of his Naturalis Historia, and Seneca the Younger quoted six passages from De rerum natura across several of his works. However, the purpose of the poem is subject to ongoing scholarly debate. Nevertheless, Lucretius writes as a complete Epicurean,offering his reader not just cosmological understanding but the fullrecipe for happiness. stammendes Lehrgedicht des römischen Dichters, Philosophen und Epikureers Titus Lucretius Carus, genannt Lukrez. [61], The earliest recorded critique of Lucretius's work is in a letter written by the Roman statesman Cicero to his brother Quintus, in which the former claims that Lucretius's poetry is "full of inspired brilliance, but also of great artistry" (Lucreti poemata, ut scribis, ita sunt, multis luminibus ingeni, multae tamen artis). Die Annäherung der Künstler erfolgte über ausgewählte Textstellen, die zu einer bildlichen Darstellung animierten. Click anywhere in the "[89], After Lactantius's time, Lucretius was almost exclusively referenced or alluded to in a negative manner by the Church Fathers. [3], The fourth book is devoted to the theory of the senses, sight, hearing, taste, smell, of sleep and of dreams, ending with a disquisition upon love and sex. Das Ziel seiner Theorie ist die Entmystifizierung von Naturphänomenen. [42] If this were the case, then it might explain how Cicero came to be familiar with Lucretius's work. Current location in this text. Enter a Perseus citation to go to another section or work. Berlin 1957, S. 168.: 5. stammendes Lehrgedicht des römischen Dichters, Philosophen und Epikureers Titus Lucretius Carus, genannt Lukrez. [23] However, at that time the label was extremely broad and did not necessarily mean a denial of divine entities (for example, some large Christian sects labelled dissenting groups as atheists). Molière produced a verse translation which does not survive; John Evelyn translated the first book. Über das Leben des Lukrez ist so gut wie nichts bekannt. For instance, Diskin Clay sees Venus as a poetic substitute for sex, and Bonnie Catto sees the invocation of the name as a metonym for the "creative process of natura". [47] The oldest—and, according to David Butterfield, most famous—of these is the Codex Oblongus, often called O. In relation to this discrepancy in the frequency of Lucretius's reference to the apparent subject of his poem, Kannengiesse advances the theory that Lucretius wrote the first version of De rerum natura for the reader at large, and subsequently revised in order to write it for Memmius. The last three books give an atomic and materialist explanation of phenomena preoccupying human reflection, such as vision and the senses, sex and reproduction, natural forces and agriculture, the heavens, and disease. Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 United States License. [73], In regards to prose writers, a number either quote from Lucretius's poem or express great admiration for De rerum natura, including: Vitruvius (in De Architectura),[74][75] Marcus Velleius Paterculus (in the Historiae Romanae),[75][76] Quintilian (in the Institutio Oratoria),[71][77] Tacitus (in the Dialogus de oratoribus),[71][78] Marcus Cornelius Fronto (in De eloquentia),[79][80] Cornelius Nepos (in the Life Of Atticus),[75][81] Apuleius (in De Deo Socratis),[82][83] and Gaius Julius Hyginus (in the Fabulae). He was unable to tell his readers how to determine which of these alternatives might be the true one. [22], After the poem was rediscovered and made its rounds across Europe and beyond, numerous thinkers began to see Lucretius's Epicureanism as a "threat synonymous with atheism. [1], The Italian scholar Guido Billanovich demonstrated that Lucretius' poem was well known in its entirety by Lovato Lovati (1241–1309) and some other Paduan pre-humanists during the thirteenth century. [98][99][100] The book was well-received, and later earned the 2012 Pulitzer Prize for General Non-Fiction and the 2011 National Book Award for Nonfiction. [59][60] This proves that the work was known in select circles long before the official rediscovery by Poggio. Lucretius attempts to allow for free will in his physicalistic universe by postulating an indeterministic tendency for atoms to veer randomly (Latin: clinamen, literally "the turning aside of a thing", but often translated as "the swerve"). Lucretius wrote this epic poem to "Memmius", who may be Gaius Memmius, who in 58 BC was a praetor, a judicial official deciding controversies between citizens and the government. [68] (Coincidentally, De rerum natura and the Astronomica were both rediscovered by Poggio Bracciolini in the early 15th century. Certainly to eliminate fear of the divine throughphysical understanding is one component of this task, but not the onlyone. This work is licensed under a [5][64][65] According to David Sedley of the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, "With these admiring words, Virgil neatly encapsulates four dominant themes of the poem—universal causal explanation, leading to elimination of the threats the world seems to pose, a vindication of free will, and disproof of the soul's survival after death. [62][63], It is also believed that the Roman poet Virgil referenced Lucretius and his work in the second book of his Georgics when he wrote: "Happy is he who has discovered the causes of things and has cast beneath his feet all fears, unavoidable fate, and the din of the devouring Underworld" (felix qui potuit rerum cognoscere causas/atque metus omnis et inexorabile fatum/subiecit pedibus strepitumque Acherontis avari). De rerum natura (Latin: [deːˈreːrʊ̃n.naːˈtuːraː]; On the Nature of Things) is a first-century BC didactic poem by the Roman poet and philosopher Lucretius (c. 99 BC – c. 55 BC) with the goal of explaining Epicurean philosophy to a Roman audience. De Rerum Natura. "[46] However, Kleve contends that four of the six books are represented in the fragments, which he argues is reason to assume that the entire poem was at one time kept in the library. The poem consists of six untitled books, in dactylic hexameter. [52][53] Scholars consider manuscripts O, Q, and S to all be descendants of the original archetype, which they dub Ω. Lucretius refers to Memmius by name four times in the first book, three times in the second, five in the fifth, and not at all in the third, fourth, or sixth books. Aus "De Rerum Natura" liest Gert Heidenreich, der Schriftsteller mit einer der hierzulande bekanntesten und beliebtesten Vorlese-Stimmen. These remnants were discovered among the Epicurean library in the Villa of the Papyri, Herculaneum. "[23] Some Christian apologists viewed De rerum natura as an atheist manifesto and a dangerous foil to be thwarted. He argues against fear of such deities by demonstrating, through observations and arguments, that the operations of the world can be accounted for in terms of natural phenomena. De rerum natura Titel entspricht dem griechischen "P e r i j u s e w V "; - natürlich auch hier: Zerstörung des Mythos und aller unerklärbarer, - Mechanik) und nicht … An XML version of this text is available for download, with the additional restriction that you offer Perseus any modifications you make. Chr.) atque animi quoniam docui natura quid esset et quibus e rebus cum corpore compta vigeret quove modo distracta rediret in ordia prima, nunc agere incipiam tibi, quod vehementer ad has res attinet esse ea quae rerum simulacra vocamus, quod speciem ac formam similem gerit eius imago, cuius cumque cluet de corpore fusa vagari; Übersetzung: Hermann Diels, 1924 He argued that the deities (whose existence he did not deny) lived forevermore in the enjoyment of absolute peace—strangers to all the passions, desires, and fears, which affect humans—and totally indifferent to the world and its inhabitants, unmoved alike by their virtues and their crimes. If the latter is true, Lucretius, notes, this is because: "either swift currents of ether whirl round and round and roll their fires at large across the nocturnal regions of the sky"; "an external current of air from some other quarter may whirl them along in their course"; or "they may swim of their own accord, each responsive to the call of its own food, and feed their fiery bodies in the broad pastures of the sky". [49] The second of these ninth-century manuscripts is the Codex Quadratus, often called Q. [86][87], Because Lucretius was critical of religion and the claim of an immortal soul, his poem was disparaged by most early Church Fathers. This copy has been dated to the early ninth century and was produced by a Carolingian scriptorium (likely a monastery connected to the court of Charlemagne). [46], Copies of the poem were preserved in a number of medieval libraries, with the earliest extant manuscripts dating to the ninth century. [3], The fifth book is described by Ramsay as the most finished and impressive,[3] while Stahl argues that its "puerile conceptions" is proof that Lucretius should be judged as a poet, not as a scientist. Mit einer Einführung und Erläuterungen von Ernst Günther Schmidt, München 1991 – Lukrez: De rerum natura. [5], The oldest purported fragments of De rerum natura were published by K. Kleve in 1989 and consist of sixteen fragments. [15] Near the end of his first book, Lucretius defends his fusion of Epicureanism and poetry with a simile, arguing that the philosophy he espouses is like a medicine: life-saving but often unpleasant. (3 Bde. Kosmologie, Kulturgeschichte quae quoniam rerum naturam sola gubernas nec sine te quicquam dias in luminis oras exoritur neque fit laetum neque amabile quicquam, te sociam studeo scribendis versibus esse, quos ego de rerum natura pangere conor 25 Memmiadae nostro, quem tu, dea, tempore in … Epicurus thus made it his mission to remove these fears, and thus to establish tranquility in the minds of his readers. The entire proem is also written in the format of a hymn, recalling other early literary works, texts, and hymns and in particular the Homeric Hymn to Aphrodite. Die Kernstelle ist auf jeden Fall Lukrez (Titus Lucretius Carus), De rerum natura (Über die Natur der Dinge) 2, 112 – 141. 1681) De Rerum Natura. [7], After the opening, the poem commences with an enunciation of the proposition on the nature and being of the deities, which leads to an invective against the evils of superstition. Additionally, although only published in 1996, Lucy Hutchinson's translation of De rerum natura was in all likelihood the first in English and was most likely completed some time in the late 1640s or 1650s. [8] This book addresses the origin of the world and of all things therein, the movements of the heavenly bodies, the changing of the seasons, day and night, the rise and progress of humankind, society, political institutions, and the invention of the various arts and sciences which embellish and ennoble life. According to Lucretius's frequent statements in his poem, the main purpose of the work was to free Gaius Memmius's mind of the supernatural and the fear of death—and to induct him into a state of ataraxia by expounding the philosophical system of Epicurus, whom Lucretius glorifies as the hero of his epic poem. Determinism appears to conflict with the concept of free will. Following this, the poet argues that the universe comprises an infinite number of Atoms, which are scattered about in an infinite and vast void (Inane). According to the Epicurean canon, the fear of death must also becountered, and the rational management of pleasures a… [45] Nevertheless, a small minority of scholars argue that Jerome's assertion may be credible. [66] However, Manilius's poem, espouses a Stoic, deterministic understanding of the universe,[67] and by its very nature attacks the very philosophical underpinnings of Lucretius's worldview. [59], The first printed edition of De rerum natura was produced in Brescia, Lombardy, in 1473. DE RERVM NATVRA LIBRI SEX. Der Menschheit wurde damit sowohl ein strahlendes Stück Poesie als auch ein Zeugnis davon erhalten, zu welchen geistigen Höhenflügen griechische Philosophen und Wissenschaftler lange vor … To prove that neither the mind nor spirit can survive independent of the body, Lucretius uses a simple analogy: when a vessel shatters, its contents spill everywhere; likewise, when the body dies, the mind and spirit dissipate. )[69], Additionally, Lucretius's work is discussed by the Augustan poet Ovid, who in his Amores writes "the verses of the sublime Lucretius will perish only when a day will bring the end of the world" (Carmina sublimis tunc sunt peritura Lucreti / exitio terras cum dabit una dies),[70] and the Silver Age poet Statius, who in his Silvae praises Lucretius as being highly "learned". Lucretius's De rerum natura. [3], The sixth book contains an explanation of some of the most striking natural appearances, especially thunder, lightning, hail, rain, snow, ice, cold, heat, wind, earthquakes, volcanoes, springs and localities noxious to animal life, which leads to a discourse upon diseases. [88] While he argued that Lucretius's criticism of Roman religion were "sound attacks on paganism and superstition", Lactantius claimed that they were futile against the "True Faith" of Christianity. Lukrez Herkunft und soziale Stellung sind nicht gesichert; Vermutungen, die von seinem Cognomen Carus auf eine niedrige Herkunft schließen, sind ebenso wenig zu belegen wie die Annahme, Lukrez habe der Nobilität angehört. stammendes Lehrgedicht des römischen Dichters, Philosophen und Epikureers Titus Lucretius Carus, genannt Lukrez.Die Hommage an Epikur handelt von der Stellung des Menschen in einem von den Göttern nicht beeinflussten Universum. options are on the right side and top of the page. [13] Memmius was also a tribune in 66, praetor in 58, governor of Bithynia in 57, and was a candidate for the consulship in 54 but was disqualified for bribery, and Stearns suggests that the warm relationship between patron and client may have cooled (sed tua me virtus tamen et sperata voluptas / suavis amicitiae quemvis efferre laborem, "But still your merit, and as I hope, the joy / Of our sweet friendship, urge me to any toil"). in 1898, but in the-I fear-numerous places, where I have since altered my opinion, I have taken what I now believeto be the right reading [95] His influence is especially notable in the work of the Spanish-American philosopher George Santayana, who praised Lucretius—along with Dante and Goethe—in his book Three Philosophical Poets,[96] although he openly admired the poet's system of physics more so than his spiritual musings (referring to the latter as "fumbling, timid and sad").
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