Betriebliche Hygiene-Schulung in der Lebensmittelhygiene nach EU-Hygienerecht und Lebensmittelhygieneverordnung (LMHV). The slaughtered birds must be accompanied to the slaughterhouse by a declaration by the food business operator who reared the animal indicating any veterinary products or other treatments administered to the animal, dates of administration and withdrawal periods, and the date and time of slaughter. April 2004 über Lebensmittelhygiene, Verordnung (EG) Nr. (4)  Official Publications Office is to insert the official number of Regulation on the organisation of official controls. C.   REQUIREMENTS FOR MECHANICALLY SEPARATED FISHERY PRODUCTS. B. Bakterien, Viren, Pilze oder Parasiten) befinden, die nicht nur Verderb verursachen, sondern auch Lebensmittelinfektionen oder Lebensmittelvergiftungen hervorrufen, die eine ernsthafte Gefahr für die Gesundheit darstellen. Exposed meat must be stored and transported separately from packaged meat, unless stored or transported at different times or in such a way that the packaging material and the manner of storage or transport cannot be a source of contamination for the meat. (10)  Official Publications Office is to insert the official number of Regulation on the organisation of official controls. All equipment must be cleaned and disinfected before processing of hens', turkeys' and guinea fowls' eggs is resumed. "Raw milk" means milk produced by the secretion of the mammary gland of farmed animals that has not been heated to more than 40oC or undergone any treatment that has an equivalent effect. After breaking, each particle of the egg product must undergo processing as quickly as possible to eliminate microbiological hazards or to reduce them to an acceptable level. Directive as last amended by the 2003 Act of Accession. In the case of liquid, granulate and powdered products of animal origin carried in bulk, and fishery products carried in bulk, an identification mark is not necessary if accompanying documentation contains the information specified in paragraphs 6, 7 and, where appropriate, 8. delayed eviscerated poultry, geese and ducks reared for the production of "foie gras" and birds that are not considered as domestic but which are farmed as domestic animals, if slaughtered at the farm in accordance with Chapter VI; farmed game slaughtered at the place of production in accordance with Section III; and. "Mechanically separated meat" or "MSM" means the product obtained by removing meat from flesh-bearing bones after boning or from poultry carcases, using mechanical means resulting in the loss or modification of the muscle fibre structure. A batch that has been insufficiently processed may immediately undergo processing again in the same establishment, if this processing renders it fit for human consumption. In this case, the registration document must clearly indicate the location of the area where the pectinidae were harvested; or. The rules laid down in Section II, Chapter V, apply to the cutting and boning of small wild game. 853/2004 sind Hygienevorschriften für tierische Lebensmittel festgelegt. Food business operators must ensure that meat from domestic ungulates that have undergone emergency slaughter outside the slaughterhouse may be used for human consumption only if it complies with all the following requirements. The raw material used to produce MSM must meet the following requirements. In particular, food business operators must: use techniques for handling live bivalve molluscs intended for relaying that permit the resumption of filter-feeding activity after immersion in natural waters; not relay live bivalve molluscs at a density that prevents purification; immerse live bivalve molluscs in seawater at the relaying area for an appropriate period, fixed depending on the water temperature, which period must be of at least two months' duration unless the competent authority agrees to a shorter period on the basis of the food business operator's risk analysis; and. Frozen fishery products must be kept at a temperature of not more than -18oC in all parts of the product; however, whole frozen fish in brine intended for the manufacture of canned food may be kept at a temperature of not more than -9oC. when that Regulation does not provide for the application of a health mark, an identification mark applied in accordance with Annex II, Section I, of this Regulation. The retailer must keep the label attached to the packaging of live bivalve molluscs that are not in individual consumer-size packages for at least 60 days after splitting up the contents. Tanks and water storage containers must meet the following requirements: Internal surfaces must be smooth, durable, impermeable and easy to clean. EU-Hygieneverordnung Seit dem Erlass der EU-Hygieneverordnungen für Lebensmittel (Verordnung (EG) Nr. Having consulted the Committee of the Regions. Such devices must achieve a chilling rate that ensures that the mix of fish and clean seawater reaches not more than 3oC 6 hours after loading and not more than 0oC after 16 hours and allow the monitoring and, where necessary, recording of temperatures. Sealing of consumer packages must be carried out immediately after filling in the establishment where the last heat treatment of liquid dairy products takes place, by means of sealing devices that prevent contamination. However, where required for welfare reasons, animals must be given a resting period before slaughter. 852/2004, 853/2004 und 854/2004 des Europäisches Parlaments und des Rates, die am 20.05.2004 erlassen wurden und seit dem 01.01.2006 anzuwenden sind, sowie durch weitere Verordnungen zu diesen Gemeinschaftsrechtsakten ist das gesamte Lebensmittelhygienerecht der Gemeinschaft neu geordnet worden. Moreover, where small quantities of primary products or of certain types of meat are supplied directly by the food business operator producing them to the final consumer or to a local retail establishment, it is appropriate to protect public health through national law, in particular because of the close relationship between the producer and the consumer. This requires the use of smooth, washable and non-toxic materials. CHAPTER I: REQUIREMENTS FOR RAW MATERIALS. Meat of large wild game may be placed on the market only if the body is transported to a game-handling establishment as soon as possible after the examination referred to in point 2. 853/2004 des Europä-ischen Parlaments und des Rates vom 29. "Bivalve molluscs" means filter-feeding lamellibranch molluscs. In place of the identification mark provided for in Annex II, Section I, a document indicating the establishment of origin and containing the information set out in the Appendix to this Annex must accompany raw materials during transport, when delivered to a collection centre or tannery and when delivered to the collagen-processing establishment. If mechanical separation does not take place immediately after deboning the flesh-bearing bones must be stored and transported at a temperature of not more than 2oC or, if frozen, at a temperature of not more than -18oC. Food business operators must cooperate with relevant competent authorities so as to permit them to carry out official controls in accordance with Regulation (EC) No.../2004 (14), in particular as regards any notification procedures for the landing of fishery products that the competent authority of the Member State the flag of which the vessel is flying or the competent authority of the Member State where the fishery products are landed might consider necessary. Animals showing symptoms of disease or originating in flocks known to be contaminated with agents of public-health importance may only be transported to the slaughterhouse when permitted by the competent authority. The period provided for in Article 5(6) of Decision 1999/468/EC shall be set at three months. Regulation as last amended by Regulation (EC) No 2052/2003 (OJ L 305, 22.11.2003, p. 1). In particular: the trachea and oesophagus must remain intact during bleeding, except in the case of slaughter according to a religious custom; contact between the outside of the skin and the carcase must be prevented; and. This requires adequate communication between the different stakeholders along the food chain from primary production to retail. 853/2004 des Europä-ischen Parlaments und des Rates vom 29. Insert free text, CELEX number or descriptors. Meat from animals other than those referred to in (b) must not be used for human consumption if they die otherwise than by being slaughtered in the slaughterhouse. Having regard to the proposal from the Commission (1). They must have facilities for disinfecting tools with hot water supplied at not less than 82oC, or an alternative system having an equivalent effect. Europäisches Gemeinschaftsrecht EU-Verordnungen. Premises for the storage of milk must be protected against vermin, have adequate separation from premises where animals are housed and, where necessary to meet the requirements laid down in Part B, have suitable refrigeration equipment. have freezing equipment with sufficient capacity to lower the temperature rapidly so as to achieve a core temperature of not more than 18oC; have refrigeration equipment with sufficient capacity to maintain fishery products in the storage holds at not more than -18oC. Evisceration may take place on the spot, under the supervision of the veterinarian; a declaration by the food business operator who reared the animals, stating their identity and indicating any veterinary products or other treatments administered, dates of administration and withdrawal periods, accompanies the slaughtered animals to the slaughterhouse; and. Surfaces of equipment that are intended to come into contact with milk (utensils, containers, tanks, etc. (17)  Council Directive 91/68/EEC of 28 January 1991 on animal health conditions governing intra-Community trade in ovine and caprine animals (OJ L 46, 19.2.1991, p. 19). Chapter IX applies to pectinidae harvested outside those areas. Frogs and snails that die otherwise than by being killed in the establishment must not be prepared for human consumption. 1. Fishery products must be handled and stored so as to prevent bruising. Auf Wunsch mit Schragen und Schragenführung, Seilwinde, herausnehmbarer Seitenwand. Food business operators purifying live bivalve molluscs must ensure compliance with the following requirements. Complete skinning of the carcase and other parts of the body intended for human consumption must be carried out, except for porcine animals and the heads and feet of ovine and caprine animals and calves. CHAPTER II: TRANSPORT AND STORAGE OF RAW MATERIALS. In addition to the general requirements for identification marking laid down in Annex II, Section I, consignments of egg products, destined not for retail but for use as an ingredient in the manufacture of another product, must have a label giving the temperature at which the egg products must be maintained and the period during which conservation may thus be assured. When chilling was not possible on board the vessel, fresh fishery products, other than those kept alive, must undergo chilling as soon as possible after landing and be stored at a temperature approaching that of melting ice. Februar 2008, 13. Where freezing in brine of whole fish intended for canning is practised, a temperature of not more than -9oC must be achieved for the product. for other animals, the bones of the head, feet, tails, femur, tibia, fibula, humerus, radius and ulna. In the case of eggs, the test provided for in subparagraph (b) need not be carried out for consignments intended for the manufacture of processed products by a process that guarantees the elimination of salmonella. April 2004 mit spezifischen Hygienevorschriften für Lebensmittel tierischen Ursprungs, OJ L 139, 30.4.2004, p. 55–205 (ES, DA, DE, EL, EN, FR, IT, NL, PT, FI, SV)Special edition in Czech: Chapter 03 Volume 045 P. 14 - 74Special edition in Estonian: Chapter 03 Volume 045 P. 14 - 74Special edition in Latvian: Chapter 03 Volume 045 P. 14 - 74Special edition in Lithuanian: Chapter 03 Volume 045 P. 14 - 74Special edition in Hungarian Chapter 03 Volume 045 P. 14 - 74Special edition in Maltese: Chapter 03 Volume 045 P. 14 - 74Special edition in Polish: Chapter 03 Volume 045 P. 14 - 74Special edition in Slovak: Chapter 03 Volume 045 P. 14 - 74Special edition in Slovene: Chapter 03 Volume 045 P. 14 - 74Special edition in Bulgarian: Chapter 03 Volume 056 P. 71 - 131Special edition in Romanian: Chapter 03 Volume 056 P. 71 - 131Special edition in Croatian: Chapter 03 Volume 011 P. 3 - 63, In force: This act has been changed. Seit 2011 besteht gemäß § 12 Absatz 2 der EU-Hygieneverordnung für Lebensmittel tierischen Ursprungs (Tier-LMHV) die Möglichkeit, ganzjährig im Freien gehaltene Rinder mit Genehmigung des zuständigen Veterinäramts ohne zugelassene Schlachteinheit am Herkunftsort zu schlachten. When the mark is applied directly to products of animal origin, the colours used must be authorised in accordance with Community rules on the use of colouring substances in foodstuffs. frozen to an internal temperature of not more than -18oC. The storage period before processing at 4oC must not exceed 48 hours. In that event, the viscera and parts that may constitute a danger to public health must be removed as soon as possible and kept apart from products intended for human consumption. This Regulation defines specific hygiene requirements for food of animal origin imported into the Community. Oktober 2017 zur Änderung des Anhangs III der Verordnung (EG) Nr. Surface coatings must be durable and non-toxic. Moreover, since all food produced in accordance with the hygiene rules will normally be in free circulation throughout the Community, the procedure allowing Member States to exercise flexibility should be fully transparent. If the slaughterhouse does not have lockable facilities reserved for the slaughter of sick or suspect animals, the facilities used to slaughter such animals must be cleaned, washed and disinfected under official supervision before the slaughter of other animals is resumed. 1. (14)  Official Publications Office is to insert the official number of Regulation on the organisation of official controls. ensure sufficient separation of sites within a relaying area to prevent mixing of batches; the "all in, all out" system must be used, so that a new batch cannot be brought in before the whole of the previous batch has been removed. Raw milk from any animal not complying with the requirements of points 1 to 3 - in particular, any animal showing individually a positive reaction to the prophylactic tests vis-a-vis tuberculosis or brucellosis as laid down in Directive 64/432/EEC and Directive 91/68/EEC - must not be used for human consumption. Regulation as amended by Regulation (EC) No 1642/2003 (OJ L 245,29.9.2003, p.4). The Commission may decide, in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 12(2), whether the envisaged measures may be implemented, subject, if necessary, to appropriate amendments. Einklappen Ausklappen [v-0853-04] V 853/2004 … Pectinidae may not be placed on the market unless they are harvested and handled in accordance with Chapter II, Part B, and meet the standards laid down in Chapter V, as proved by a system of own-checks. Hygieneverordnung. 852/2004 oder der Verordnung (EG) Nr. Immediately after milking, milk must be held in a clean place designed and equipped to avoid contamination. For the production of collagen intended for use in food, the following raw materials may be used: Raw materials listed in point l(a) to (d) must derive from animals which have been slaughtered in a slaughterhouse and whose carcases have been found fit for human consumption following ante-and post-mortem inspection or, in the case of hides and skins from wild game, found fit for human consumption. (39)  Official Publications Office is to insert here the official number of the Directive referred to in recital 25. In particular, this examination must ensure that fishery products comply with any freshness criteria. Handlers may use spiked instruments to move large fish or fish which might injure them, provided that the flesh of the products suffers no damage. CHAPTER III: REQUIREMENTS FOR ESTABLISHMENTS, INCLUDING VESSELS, HANDLING FISHERY PRODUCTS. in Erwägung nachstehender Gründe: (1) Ein hohes Maß an Schutz für Leben und Gesundheit des Menschen ist eines der grundlegen-den Ziele des Lebensmittelrechts, wie es in der Verordnung (EG) Nr. the evisceration of delayed eviscerated poultry. Products for freezing must be frozen immediately after processing. EU European Union FBO(s) Food Business Operator(s) ... No 853/2004 and No 854/2004 HyV Hygiene Ordinance (Hygieneverordnung) MANCP Multi-Annual National Control Plan MSM Mechanical separated meat OV(s) Official Veterinarian(s) VKCS Swiss Cantonal Chemist Association “Verband der Kantonschemiker der Schweiz ” 1 1 INTRODUCTION The audit took place in Switzerland from 9 to 19 … Carcases of domestic ungulates may be cut into half-carcases or quarters, and half carcases into no more than three wholesale cuts, in slaughterhouses. "Packing centre" means an establishment where eggs are graded by quality and weight. (13)  Official Publications Office is to insert the official number of Regulation on the hygiene of foodstuffs. CHAPTER V: HEALTH STANDARDS FOR FISHERY PRODUCTS. This should enable hunters to undertake an initial examination of wild game on the spot. "Gelatine" means natural, soluble protein, gelling or non-gelling, obtained by the partial hydrolysis of collagen produced from bones, hides and skins, tendons and sinews of animals. Mechanical separation must take place immediately after deboning. Informationen zur Lebensmittelsicherheit nach Anhang II Abschnitt III Nummer 1 in Verbindung mit Nummer 3 und 4 Buchstabe b Satz 2 der Verordnung (EG) Nr. References in this Section to a "trained person" are references to that person. I. After each journey, or after each series of journeys when the period of time between unloading and the following loading is very short, but in all cases at least once a day, containers and tanks used for the transport of raw milk must be cleaned and disinfected in an appropriate manner before re-use. As regards tuberculosis, raw milk must come from: cows or buffaloes belonging to a herd which, within the meaning of Directive 64/432/EEC, is officially free of tuberculosis; or. In the case of eggs, a certificate stating that the tests referred to in subparagraph (b) have been carried out with negative results, or that the eggs are destined to be used in the manner referred to in subparagraph (c), must accompany consignments. die Bestellung von Publikationen im Warenkorb. and Regulation (EC) No. Food business operators handling pectinidae must comply: with the documentary requirements of Chapter I, points 3 to 7, where applicable. Erlegen: Töten von Groß- und Kleinwild nach jagdrechtlichen Vorschriften, 3. Use, Other sites managed by the Publications Office,, Portal of the Publications Office of the EU. "Production area" means any sea, estuarine or lagoon area, containing either natural beds of bivalve molluscs or sites used for the cultivation of bivalve molluscs, and from which live bivalve molluscs are taken. Auf Antrag des Freistaats Bayern hat der Bundesrat am 5. any technical definitions contained in Annexes II and III. Leitfaden für die Entwicklung von Hygieneleitinien bzw. Directive 2004/.../EC of the European Parliament and of the Council ofrepealing certain Directives on food hygiene and health conditions for the production and placing on the market of certain products of animal origin intended for human consumption (17) achieves this. Slaughterhouse operators must follow the instructions of the competent authority to ensure that the post-mortem inspection is carried out under suitable conditions, and in particular that slaughtered animals can be inspected properly. CHAPTER IV: REQUIREMENTS FOR FINISHED PRODUCTS. retail operations other than those to which this Regulation applies pursuant to Article l(5)(b). 2. Erfolgreich starteten wir vor Jahren die BIO – Offensive der Gemeinschaftsverpflegung und waren die ersten, die BIO – Komponenten ohne Mehrpreis im Menüspeiseplan angeboten haben. In particular, products that are not salted or dried must be kept at a temperature of not more than 3oC. during transport to the approved establishment, a certificate issued and signed by the official veterinarian or approved veterinarian, attesting to a favourable result of the ante-mortem inspection, correct slaughter and bleeding and the date and time of slaughter, accompanies the slaughtered animals. Food business operators must initiate procedures to ensure that raw milk meets the following criteria: However, if raw milk from species other than cows is intended for the manufacture of products made with raw milk by a process that does not involve any heat treatment, food business operators must take steps to ensure that the raw milk used meets the following criterion. Fresh fishery products, thawed unprocessed fishery products, and cooked and chilled products from crustaceans and molluscs, must be maintained at a temperature approaching that of melting ice. 852/2004, 853/2004 und 854/2004 des Europäisches Parlaments und des Rates, die am 20.05.2004 erlassen wurden und seit dem 01.01.2006 anzuwenden sind, sowie durch weitere Verordnungen zu diesen Gemeinschaftsrechtsakten ist das gesamte Lebensmittelhygienerecht der Gemeinschaft neu geordnet worden. When they handle pectinidae, food business operators operating such establishments must inform the competent authority and, as regards dispatch centres, comply with the relevant requirements of Chapters III and IV. CHAPTER II: HYGIENE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE PREPARATION OF RENDERED ANIMAL FAT AND GREAVES. Fishery products containing biotoxins such as ciguatoxin or muscle-paralysing toxins must not be placed on the market. 3. It may be provided through electronic data exchange or in the form of a standardised declaration signed by the producer. (7) Hauptziel der neuen allgemeinen und spezifischen Hygienevor-schriften ist es, hinsichtlich der Sicherheit von Lebensmitteln ein hohes Verbraucherschutzniveau zu gewährleisten. In the event of failure to comply with any of the requirements listed under paragraph 2, the food business operator must notify the official veterinarian and take appropriate measures. Centres for the collection of raw materials and further transport to processing establishments must be equipped with facilities for the storage of raw materials at a temperature of not more than 7oC. Porcine animals must be thoroughly rinsed afterwards with potable water. Die teilmobile Schlachtung wird als gewerbliche Standardschlachtung betrachtet und muss den Vorgaben der EU-Tierschutz-Schlachtverordnung 1099/2009, der nationalen Tierschutz-Schlachtverordnung sowie der EU-Hygieneverordnung 853/2004 entsprechen. No crustaceans, fish or other marine species may be kept in a purification tank in which live bivalve molluscs are undergoing purification. Richtlinie 2003/99/EG des Europäischen Parlaments und des Rates vom 17. Tierische Lebensmittel-Hygieneverordnung (Tier-LMHV), av den 14 augusti 2007 (Förordningen om livsmedelshygien för livsmedel med animaliskt ursprung). 852/2004, 853/2004 und 854/2004 des Europäisches Parlaments und des Rates, die am 20.05.2004 erlassen wurden und seit dem 01.01.2006 anzuwenden sind, sowie durch weitere Verordnungen zu diesen Gemeinschaftsrechtsakten ist das gesamte Lebensmittelhygienerecht der Gemeinschaft neu geordnet worden. be transported, and stored until rendering, in hygienic conditions and at an internal temperature of not more than 7oC. meat of the head with the exception of the masseters, the non-muscular part of the linea alba, the region of the carpus and the tarsus, bone scrapings and the muscles of the diaphragm (unless the serosa has been removed). 1. Chilling must begin within a reasonable period of time after killing and achieve a temperature throughout the meat of not more than 7oC. schriften sind in der Verordnung (EG) Nr. Livers and roes intended for human consumption must be preserved under ice, at a temperature approaching that of melting ice, or be frozen. There must be lockable facilities for the refrigerated storage of detained meat and separate lockable facilities for the storage of meat declared unfit for human consumption. Aνακοίνωση των αποτελεσμάτων της ψηφοφορίας: βλ. in the case of females of other species that do not show a positive reaction to tests for tuberculosis or brucellosis, nor any symptoms of these diseases, but belong to a herd where brucellosis or tuberculosis has been detected after the checks referred to in point 2(a)(iii) or 2(b)(ii), if treated to ensure its safety. Only live animals intended for slaughter may be brought into the slaughter premises, with the exception of: animals that have undergone emergency slaughter outside the slaughterhouse in accordance with Chapter VI; animals slaughtered at the place of production in accordance with Section III; and. 853/2004 des Europäischen Parlaments und des Rates hinsichtlich der Temperaturbedingungen während der Beförderung von Fleisch, Fassung gemäss ABl. It should provide, where necessary to resolve disagreements, for discussion within the Standing Committee on the Food Chain and Animal Health established by Regulation (EC) No 178/2002 and for the Commission to coordinate the process and take appropriate measures. (34)  Official Publications Office is to insert the official number of the Regulation on the hygiene of foodstuffs. The work on meat must be organised in such a way as to prevent or minimise contamination. CHAPTER III: HYGIENE DURING AND AFTER PRODUCTION. Slaughterhouse operators must follow the instructions of the veterinarian appointed by the competent authority in accordance with Regulation (EC) No.../2004 (1) to ensure that ante-mortem inspection of every animal to be slaughtered is carried out under suitable conditions. They must be constructed so as to allow complete draining of water. Should a purification tank contain several batches of live bivalve molluscs, they must be of the same species and the length of the treatment must be based on the time required by the batch needing the longest period of purification. Every precaution must be taken to avoid contamination of carcases, taking into account parameters such as carcase weight, water temperature, volume and direction of water flow and chilling time. Food business operators must ensure that gelatine complies with the residue limits set out in the following table. for azaspiracids, 160 micrograms of azaspiracid equivalents per kilogram. In this context, special attention should be given to adherence to the specific hy-giene rules for food of animal origin according to Regulation (EC) No. Pectinidae may not be placed on the market for human consumption otherwise than via a fish auction, a dispatch centre or a processing establishment. Fillets and slices must be wrapped and, where necessary, packaged and must be chilled as quickly as possible after their preparation. Food business operators must check passports accompanying domestic solipeds to ensure that the animal is intended for slaughter for human consumption. However, hunters must comply with any additional requirements imposed in the Member State where hunting takes place, in particular to permit the monitoring of certain residues and substances in accordance with Directive 96/23/EC; In other circumstances, the head (except for tusks, antlers and horns) and all the viscera except for the stomach and intestines must accompany the body. "Prepared fishery products" means unprocessed fishery products that have undergone an operation affecting their anatomical wholeness, such as gutting, heading, slicing, filleting, and chopping. Jährliche Schulung in der … In the case of poultry reared for the production of "foie gras", the uneviscerated birds must be transported immediately and, if necessary, refrigerated to a slaughterhouse or cutting plant. Unless expressly indicated to the contrary, this Regulation shall not apply to retail. Immediately after production, minced meat and meat preparations must be wrapped or packaged and be: chilled to an internal temperature of not more than 2oC for minced meat and 4oC for meat preparations; or. In the context of the common agricultural policy, many Directives have been adopted to establish specific health rules for the production and placing on the market of the products listed in Annex I to the Treaty. have slaughter lines (where operated) that are designed to allow a constant progress of the slaughter process and to avoid cross-contamination between the different parts of the slaughter line.

Bad Kötzting Fußgängerzone, Berufsschule Lagerlogistik Sachsen-anhalt, Fernstudium Pädagogik Der Frühen Kindheit, Urologe Wuppertal Vohwinkel, King Kebap Donaueschingen Speisekarte, Handwerkskammer Oldenburg Ausbildungsnachweis,