In addition, it offers a large scope in terms of business variety. The company also continued to provide free technical assistance to over 600,000 farmers in the developing world, including CHF 30 million in micro-credits. Use our samples but remember about PLAGIARISM! In 2007, Nestlé invested over CHF 100 million in environment-related industrial improvements, as well as around CHF 170 million in new production facilities in Brazil, Pakistan and China. It gives the readers good spirit. It is a leader in advancing new patents, with greater innovation capabilities. Jeff is perfectly fine, perfectly normal; not like the other kids in the hospital with him. Chapter four contains a GE matrix for Nestlé Waters and the validity of the possible strategies is critically evaluated. Learn about Nestlé’s brands and what we’re doing to make our products tastier and healthier. Ein Jahr nach der Verabschiedung des Internationalen Kodex für die Vermarktung von Ersatzprodukten für Muttermilch durch die WHO im Jahre 1981 verpflichtete sich Nestlé auf freiwilliger Basis, den WHO-Kodex in den Entwicklungsländern anzuwenden, und zwar selbst dort, wo er von den Regierungen nicht umgesetzt wurde. Nestlé devrait choisir d'incorporer LC1 à un produit de exécution fort dans chacun de son SBU's. Nestlé Professional Vi dricker mer och mer kaffe utanför hemmet, både på coffee shops och på jobbet. Hey :) Ich arbeite gerade an meiner Hausarbeit über den Großkonzern Nestlé. Nestlé kiirendab jätkusuutlikule pakendimisele üleminekut. Use our samples but remember about PLAGIARISM! 59 Nestle U, Kremp S, Schaefer-Schuler A. et al. Pete Blackshaw, Global Head of Digital, Nestle Author of, "Satisfied Customers Tell Three Friends, Angry Customers Tell 3000" 'I have been involved in brand equity building for more than 20 years. Positive Aspects Water Management Nestle has contributed positively in the context of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), due to its efforts in environmental sustainability through water management as well as rural development. Where can I buy Nestlé products? Nestle sells products in various sectors thus its competitors are many. Come here for news, press releases, statements and other multi-media content about Nestlé. Aug 6, 2019 - This Pin was discovered by The Awesome Landscaper. The company sells baby foods, breakfast cereals, coffee, confectionery, frozen food, pet foods, yoghurt and snacks through extensive distribution channels all over the world spreading out from facilities run by the company in over 100 countries. Written by academic experts with 10 years of experience. your own Pins on Pinterest Peter Brabeck-Letmathe, Chairman and CEO of Nestlé: "Creating Shared Value means thinking long term while at the same time delivering strong annual results. your own Pins on Pinterest Investors: Roddy Child-Villiers (Nestlé) Tel. Loe lähemalt. Visite o nosso site! It ranked No. What began in 2012 is now entering its final stages: Europe’s largest study on aging. Nestlé, ainsi qu'à acquérir les compétences nécessaires pour aider d'autres collaborateurs dans leurs objectifs de développement. Over a hundred years after starting operations in the country, Nestlé Philippines, Inc. (NPI) today is a robust and stable organization, proud of its role in bringing the best food and beverage throughout the stages of the Filipino consumers' lives. In de foodservice-sector werken wij succesvol samen met een grote groep diverse klanten. Nõuanded ja nipid tervislikuks eluviisiks Loe lisaks 2025. aastaks 300 000 uut töövõimalust noortele. Nestlé S.A. (/ ˈ n ɛ s l eɪ,-l i,-əl /; [citation needed] French: ) is a Swiss multinational food and drink processing conglomerate corporation headquartered in Vevey, Vaud, Switzerland.It is the largest food company in the world, measured by revenue and other metrics, since 2014. Auch die gerechtere Verteilung von Ressourcen gefällt den Befragten: Sie können sich deshalb sogar vorstellen, Insekten und Algen sowie hierauf basierende Lebensmittel zu … Nestlé SA is a nutrition, health and wellness company, which engages in the manufacture, supply and production of prepared dishes and cooking aids, milk-based products, pharmaceuticals and ophthalmic goods, baby foods and cereals. Offer you surf to load Ökonomische Aspekte internationaler Klimapolitik: Effizienzgewinne durch Joint Implementation mit China und Indien (Umwelt- und Ressourcenökonomie) book? Nestlés produkter hittar du på utvalda coffee shops, på din arbetsplats och på andra platser där folk samlas för att köpa eller dricka kaffe. Written by academic experts with 10 years of experience. It owns several major consumer brands such as Stouffers, Nescafe, Kit-Kat, Carnation, Nestlé water, among many others used by millions each year and … Free essay sample on the given topic "Effects Of The Russian Revolution". J Nucl Med 2005; 46: 1342-1348. Gives Access to a Larger Market. Automatic Dated list Published on. Delar av innehållet på den här webbplatsen är endast tillgängligt för hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal. Search for jobs here. Loe lisaks Previous Next. Nestlé και Polyeco κατά της περιβαλλοντικής ρύπανσης Περισσότερα Δωρεά 6 ΜΕΘ στο Νοσοκομείο Παίδων «Η Αγία Σοφία» Whether you have years of work experience or you just graduated, there’s a job opportunity for you at Nestlé. Discover (and save!) Provides Cheaper Goods for Consumers. This enables us to deliver the Nestlé model – 5-6% organic growth together with an EBIT margin improvement in constant currencies – year after year, while at the same time improving our environmental and social performance, thereby having a positive impact on millions of people across the world. Nestle is also recognized as one of the most innovative corporations across the world. For instance, there was a time when consumers were concerned about Nestle’s marketing of alternatives or substitutes to breast milk. But over the course of the next forty-five days, Jeff begins to understand why he ended up here—and realizes he has more in common with the other kids than he thought. Relative Strength Index: Die technische Analyse betrachtet für Aktien auch das Verhältnis der Aufwärtsbewegungen und der Abwärtsbewegungen eines Kurses im BMW, Deutschland (PDF, 128 KB): Der DJSI listet BMW wegen seines außergewöhnlichen Engagements in puncto Umwelt und Gesellschaft als Branchenführer. This marketing was mainly done in third world countries. Free essay sample on the given topic "Teamwork And Collaboration In Nursing". Is that this brochure authority the people future? Wij voeren verschillende sterke merken en beschikken over een uitgebreid portfolio. Über eine einstellbare Abschwächung des P-Anteils bei Sollwertänderungen kann d a s Führungsverhalten d e s Reglers verändert und Überschwingungen vermieden werden. Rather like Nestlé ’s baby milk in the late 1970s (War on Want, 1974), ... die positive Aspekte und optimierbare Problemfelder der inklusiven Unterrichtspraxis aufzeigen. -Emissionen bei oder steht die Marke für eine positive Arbeitsatmosphäre im Unternehmen, dann lässt sich somit die ethische Anspruchshaltungen der Kunden in Bezug auf gesellschaftliche Verantwortung der Unternehmen aufgreifen. Use our samples but remember about PLAGIARISM! Diese unterstützen das Unternehmen in dem Bestreben, bis 2020 die Nachhaltigkeitsziele der Vereinten Nationen zu erreichen: für Einzelne und Familien, für unsere Gemeinschaften und für unseren Planeten. Inste ad of only selling products in their country a business can expand to other regions boosting sales and in the process mak ing more money.. 2. Whether you have years of work experience or you just graduated, there’s a job opportunity for you at Nestlé. Nestlé offers Paid Time Off (PTO) that you can use for whatever you need — vacation, illness (yours or a family member’s), medical necessity or personal time. Because of globalization a lot of companies are … Durch gezielte Maßnahmen zur Effizienzsteigerung konnte das Unternehmen die durchschnittliche CO2-Emission pro Kilometer im letzten Jahr um 3,3 % verringern. Written by academic experts with 10 years of experience. Our People and Culture. One of the fundamental Nestlé Corporate Business Principles is that we will not sacrifice long-term development for short-term gain. The fact that consumers plus governments in such countries have little control over such marketing implies that the company carried on this unethical act for long. Sowohl positive, als auch negative Zahlen-Aspekte. The firm has a global reach, with a number of advantages that put it head and shoulder above competitors, as well as disadvantages that pose However, a few disadvantages and challenges facing the firm present significant threats to its continued dominance in the various market sections, ranging from food and beverage to pharmaceuticals. Logistic regression analysis showed a positive correlation between the prevalence of sarcopenia and age, and a negative correlation between BMI and consumption of meat, eggs, and milk. Dec 22, 2020. POSITIVE IMPACTS OF GLOBALIZATION 1. Gå till Careers. A distinction of negative and positive freedom does not work. Man begrüsst die Widerstandsfähigkeit des Tagesgeschäfts, lobt in diesem Zusammenhang das Geschäftsmodell und bezeichnet Nestlé gar als einen der Gewinner der Covid-19-Pandemie. breite Aspekte der Volksgesundheit, Kinderernährung sowie die physischen und psychischen Bedürfnisse von Säuglingen und Kleinkindern. A question about Nestlé’s brands, policies, or products? Nestlé’s Net Roadmap Our path to regeneration for future generations Solving the problem means identifying the problem. Use our samples but remember about PLAGIARISM! Is Nestlé having a positive effect on the lives of cocoa workers and their children in Côte d’Ivoire? The NuRAS assessment simply identifies single risk factors that We found Nestlé emitted 92 million tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions in 2018*. Hire EssayBasics to Write Your Assignment, 5963 Corson Ave S 176, Seattle, WA 98108 USA, Advantages Of Studying Locally (Essay Sample), Sweet Memories Of My Childhood (Essay Sample), Effects Of The Russian Revolution (Essay Sample), Why Do You Want To Become A Pharmacist? In 2007, Nestlé reduced its direct greenhouse gas emissions by 16% compared to ten years ago, and its overall water withdrawal by 28%, while at the same time increasing the total volume of goods produced by 76%. Search for jobs here. ist das lokale Nachrichtenportal für die Stadt Delmenhorst bei Bremen. The high demand for chocolate has reportedly caused Nestle to adjust some of its laws to make child labor a less significant issue. Welche Marken gehören zu Nestlé und was lässt sich mit den Produkten so alles zaubern, fragen Sie sich? Mit CO 2-Emissionsreduktion und Mitarbeiterverantwortung hob Altmann zwei Aspekte hervor, die für ihr Unternehmen zentral sind. Moreover, Nestle has a culture, bringing together people from across the world. Johnson & Johnson, P& G, and Bayer also have major stakes in the commercial products and pharmaceutical section. Discover (and save!) Nestlé is the world's leading Nutrition, Health and Wellness company. However, child labor issues have for some time persisted in the cocoa supply chain, a factor that continues to adversely influence the firm’s dominance along with maximization of its profit. Nestlé fokuserer på regenerativt jordbruk og bytter til fornybar energi, når selskapet intensiverer kampen mot klimaendringene Nov 30, 2020 Nestlé tilbakekaller … Nestlé por Niños Saludables Nuestra aspiración es ayudar a que más niños lleven vidas más saludables, porque sabemos que en ellos está el futuro. Um die Lebensqualität der Menschen zu verbessern und zu einer gesünderen Zukunft beizutragen, hat Nestlé übergeordnete Ziele formuliert. Jeden Tag gibt es aktuelle Meldungen aus der kreisfreien Stadt. One of the advantages of Nestle is that it is a top overall player in the larger market, playing a leading role in various market segments, including in food and beverage sector, as well as in commercial products as well as in the pharmaceutical industry. Actie van Nestlé en het Rode Kruis haalt €113.740,- op voor kwetsbare groep die geen toegang heeft tot steunmaatregelen Dec 07, 2020 Nestlé verdubbelt inspanningen om klimaatverandering tegen te gaan Positive Aspekte sind hier der Umweltschutz und das Einkaufen unter Berücksichtigung von Bio-Produkten und Regionalität. Nespresso has reported significant progress towards achieving its sustainability goals, as the brand marks the first anniversary of the launch of its sustainability strategy The Positive Cup. We have found EcoVadis to be extremely efficient and useful to manage most of our service and indirect materials suppliers. We unlock the power of food to enhance quality of life for everyone, today and for generations to come. wo wird produziert? (Essay Sample), Role Of Technology In Economic Development (Essay Sample), American Psycho (An Analysis Essay Sample), Teamwork And Collaboration In Nursing (Essay Sample), Magical Realism In Literature (Essay Sample). bis zu 500 Fabriken in 86 Staaten mit weltweit 253.000 Mitarbeitern Das Unternehmen selbst ist in fünf verschiedene Bereiche gegliedert: Nestlé Waters (Wasser) Nestlé Nutrition (Säuglingsnahrung) Nespresso (Kaffee) Nestlé Professional (Gastronomie) Nestlé Health Science The firm has a global reach, with a number of advantages that put it head and shoulder above competitors, as well as disadvantages that pose a challenge to its continued dominance. Your answers can be found here. Hier gibt es Antworten! Tillbaka Regenwaldzerstörung – … It contains a number of detailed figures which have become available as a result of the continued development of GLOBE, Nestlé's worldwide management information system, and are now made public for the first time. Tierversuche: In den USA führt Nestlé auch heute noch Tierversuche für die Teemarke Nestea durch. Where can I find coupons and promotions? ", The report, which was reviewed for accuracy by Bureau Veritas, is an integral part of Nestlé's business reporting. Nestlé is the world's leading Nutrition, Health and Wellness company. Allein in der Schweiz arbeiten bei Nestlé beinahe 11000 Mitarbeiter, ueber 80 Nationalitäten, ein internationales Forschungszentrum (NRC), 10 Verteilzentren, 8 Fabriken, 3 Produkt-Technologie Zentren (PTC) sowie ein Exzellenz-Zentrum für Schokolade (CCE) In conclusion, Nestle has many competitive advantages over its rivals in the various product sections in which it deals. In the food and beverage sections, P& G, Sara Lee, Unilever and Kraft stand as some of the leading competitors. NEWS. Loe lisaks Tervislike harjumuste loomine. Use our samples but remember about PLAGIARISM! Sorry, you need to enable JavaScript to visit this website. The firm’s knowledge of biotechnology as well as its ability to attract the most qualified personnel across the world gives the firm a major competitive advantage on the global market. Everything you need to know about Nestlé is here: brands, key figures, milestones. The humandignity principle (understood as the required respect for the autonomy of the individual, i.e. 14.09.2011 - Автор пина:Tim Bassford. Mit Sitz in der Schweiz hat Nestlé Büros, Fabriken und Forschungszentren weltweit. Find out about our unique R&D capabilities and long track record of innovation. Use our samples but remember about PLAGIARISM! Written by academic experts with 10 years of experience. Aber es gibt auch negative Effekte, die nicht ignoriert werden dürfen. 64 on the Fortune Global 500 in 2017 and No. Nestle is one of the world’s largest and most profitable firms, dealing in three key areas: nutrition, wellness, and nutrition. Der weltgrößte Lebensmittelkonzern Nestlé steht regelmäßig am Pranger. Auch Kepler Cheuvreux gewinnt den vorliegenden Umsatzzahlen vorwiegend positive Aspekte ab. Free essay sample on the given topic "Why Do You Want To Become A Pharmacist?". Free essay sample on the given topic "American Psycho". Nestlé Professional is de ‘business to business’ out-of-home-expert van Nestlé. Despite the bandages on his wrists, he’s positive this is all some huge mistake. Tillbaka Gå till Our People and Culture. Free essay sample on the given topic "Advantages Of Studying Locally". Our Recruitment Process. 1. The ethical and legal interpretation that human rights only protect selected, supposedly particularly valuable freedom activities, is equally unconvincing. Free essay sample on the given topic "Sweet Memories Of My Childhood". Nestlé is the world's largest food & beverage company. En Nestlé España tenemos un reto muy claro: contribuir a la nutrición, la salud y el bienestar de las personas. Media: François-Xavier Perroud (Nestlé) Tel. Находите и прикалывайте свои пины в Pinterest! Contacts: In unserem Kanal stellen wir euch Planungshilfen, Konfiguratoren und Visualisierungstools vor, die euch beim Einrichten und Planen eurer Wohnung helfen und inspirieren können. ", allerdings bräuchte ich hierfür positive Aspekte, die ich gegenüber der … Learn about our strategy, sales and results or download our investor seminar presentations. Ezután üzenetrögzítő áll rendelkezésre, ill. az önkiszolgáló menürendszer segítségével éjjel-nappal meghallgathatják a legfontosabb információkat. With headquarters in Switzerland, Nestlé has offices, factories and research and development centres worldwide. Use our samples but remember about PLAGIARISM! Temos mais de 2000 marcas, globais e locais, e estamos presentes em 189 países. Die Flüchtlingskrise ist das derzeit alles dominierende Thema in Europa. Nestlé's positive environmental and social impact: CO2 emissions down 16% over past ten years, water withdrawal down 28%. Comparison of different methods for delineation of 18 F-FDG PET-positive tissue for target volume definition in radiotherapy of patients with non-Small cell lung cancer. It believes in offering good, high quality, nutritious food to its customers. Dein Partner fürs Auto, wenn es um KFZ-Verschleißteile geht. Our aim is to help you believe in yourself and Manifest your Dreams into Reality. The central idea of the portfolio analysis is the realization that strategic planning is influenced by external facts, such as competition or an increase of costs for primary products etc. Ethical issues have also been cited in some of Nestle’s operations. – DER Online-Profi rund um Autoteile & Zubehör! Woher kommen die Produkte, Vorprodukte oder Rohstoffe bzw. It utilizes economies of scale in its activities, and in so doing achieves the desired results in manufacturing, administration, and marketing sections. Portfolio Analysis. I found "Rethinking Prestige Branding" to be insightful and enjoyable, p ractical and at the same time conversational . Emotionale Aspekte werden kaum explizit thematisiert, jedoch sind [...] sie durchaus vorhanden: Die befragten Personen sind mehrheitlich einer Unternehmergeneration zuzurechnen, die sich stark an einem traditionellen Rollenverständnis orientiert, das nicht dem oben … At a joint Nestlé-UN Global Compact event in New York, Peter Brabeck-Letmathe, Chairman and CEO of Nestlé, today presented the company's first Creating Shared Value report, including new figures on the impact of its business activities on the environment and society across the world. Written by academic experts with 10 years of experience. Dec 10, 2017 - This page is about Law of Attraction, Mindfulness, Becoming your Best Self. Kinderarbeiter: In der Elfenbeinkiste soll Nestlé jahrelang mehr als 12.000 Kinderarbeiter für die Kakaoproduktion beschäftigt haben 4. Ask Nestlé. Kunden sind ein notwendiges Übel, man hat ja seine Listungen und das Marketing. Abgesehen von der starken Performance im Umweltbereich gehört BMW zu den weltweit attraktivsten Arbeitgebern und bietet seinen Mitarbeitern viele Aus- und Weiterbildungsmöglich… If the company is to continue making huge profits as well as remain relevant with regard to corporate social responsibility, child labor issues have to be addressed comprehensively. Furthermore, Nestle’s human resources are among the major competitive factors it has. Als Rohstoffkunde und Zulieferer ist Nestle ein Hinterbänkler, organisatorisch wie auch in der Exekutive. Nestlé ist das führende Unternehmen für Ernährung, Gesundheit und Wellness. Written by academic experts with 10 years of experience. Through globalization countries and companies have access to a bigger consumer ba se. 5. Written by academic experts with 10 years of experience. Of rate yes. : +41-21-924 3622, Across the globe, Nestlé are here to help answer your queries, We unlock the power of food to enhance quality of life for everyone, today and for generations to come. Now we know the extent, we know the road ahead. The employees who work for the firm share the firm’s values, and the prestige associated with the organization further add to the employees’ high status in the society. In Ivory Coast where most of the cocoa used in the manufacture of chocolate along with other food products manufactured and sold by Nestle come from, child labor is a persistent issue, with most children working in cocoa firms reportedly aged between 12 and 16 years. Written by academic experts with 10 years of experience. Free essay sample on the given topic "History Of Newspaper". … Written by academic experts with 10 years of experience. Für einen Ökonomen ist es ziemlich klar, dass die meisten ökonomischen Argumente stark zugunsten von Migration ausfallen. Nestlé, based in Switzerland, is the world’s leading food and nutrition company measured by revenues (Nestlé, 2013). A Nestlé Fogyasztói Szolgálatának munkatársai munkanapokon, hétvégén és ünnepnapokon reggel 8 és 17 óra között fogadják hívását. Free essay sample on the given topic "Dream Family". 1982 erliess Nestlé konkrete A Nestlé ma a világ vezető élelmiszeripari, táplálkozás, egészség és életmód vállalata. 3. Nestle has a good reputation with an established brand name. Topic (field_topic) Apply. The research and development department is active and strong. Use our samples but remember about PLAGIARISM! Positive Aspekte von Nestlé? May 24, 2016 - This Pin was discovered by Caroline Leary. a positive difference. Indeed, GLOBE will supply increasing amounts of information about Nestlé over the coming years, allowing the company to provide progressively more quantitative information about its activities in local communities everywhere. Nur die Nachricht, dass Nestlé über die kommenden drei Jahre weitere 20 Milliarden Franken über Dividenden und Aktienrückkäufe an die Aktionärinnen und Aktionäre zurückführen will, scheint einen deutlicheren Kursrutsch zu verhindern. Positiv sind bestenfalls einige "Lieblingsprodukte". Conoce cómo articulamos nuestros esfuerzos a través del programa Nestlé por Niños Saludables. The Nestle factory, in Hatton, on the border with Tutbury, has confirmed that a 'small number' of its staff have tested positive for covid 19 and are currently off work. One of the advantages of Nestle is that it is a top overall player in the larger market, playing a leading role in various market segments, including in food and beverage sector, as well as in commercial products as well as in the pharmaceutical industry. Fill out the order form step-by-step. Ursprünglich war meine Leitfrage "Kann Nestlé Vorbild für andere Global player sein? At Nespresso, we call our sustainability strategy The Positive Cup to reflect our ambition: that every cup of Nespresso coffee have a positive impact on the world.. With headquarters in Switzerland, Nestlé has offices, factories and research and development centres worldwide. 1. Time You’ve Worked at Nestlé Annual PTO Days Earned Maximum PTO You Can Bank Less than 1 Year 12 17 1–4 years 15 20 5–9 years 20 25 10–14 years 23 28 15–19 years 25 30 Nestlé ist weltweit tätig.1) Free essay sample on the given topic "Role Of Technology In Economic Development". 3 Nestlé’s Net Zero Roadmap. Une part essentielle de cette décision [...] sera consacrée à la santé infantile, les enfants comptant [...] parmi les groupes les plus vulnérables en Corée du Nord. A Nestlé é a maior Companhia de alimentação e bebidas ao nível mundial. Free essay sample on the given topic "Magical Realism In Literature". Use our samples but remember about PLAGIARISM! Nestlé touches the lives of billions of people every day: the farmers who grow our ingredients, our consumers, and the communities where we live and work. Dec 04, 2020. The conclusion can be found in chapter five. In the MNA, points are given for positive nutri-tion factors, resulting in a high score for good nutritional status (24 points or more), an intermediate risk zone (17–23.5 points), and a low score !17 indicating malnutrition. You are currently on the Nestlé global website, The report, which was reviewed for accuracy by, Marketing infant nutrition: getting it right, Nestlé for Healthier Kids global initiative, Adding vegetables, fiber and whole grains, Sharing nutrition knowledge throughout life, Breast-milk substitute marketing: compliance record, Creating Shared Value Progress Report (pdf, 5Mb). Nestlé Nigeria honored with Awards. Der weltgrößte Lebensmittelkonzern Nestlé steht regelmäßig am Pranger. Written by academic experts with 10 years of experience. Totalt är vi cirka 5 000 medarbetare som arbetar med våra produkter och forskning. So können Sie uns kontaktieren: per E-Mail mit dem unten stehenden Formular, per Post an Nestlé Suisse S.A., Postfach 2222, 1800 Vevey, Schweiz oder per Telefon 0800 860 015 für den Consumer Service und +41 21 924 51 11 für die Zentrale. Innovation is at the heart of Nestlé. Use our samples but remember about PLAGIARISM! Nestlé Health Science är ett globalt företag med huvudkontor i Vevey, Schweiz. : +41-21-924 2596 Nestlé's positive environmental and social impact: CO2 emissions down 16% over past ten years, water withdrawal down 28% Back to Press releases Vevey, Nestle Advantages and Disadvantages Nestle is one of the world's largest and most profitable firms, dealing in three key areas: nutrition, wellness, and nutrition. This book gives the readers many references and knowledge that bring positive influence in the future. It believes in offering good, high quality, nutritious food to its customers. We need you to be detailed. Good food, good life – that is what we stand for. Under the private label, the firm sells a variety of products, with Wal-Mart, TESCO, and Aldi as tough competitors in that sector. Elizabeth, an Everyday Economics viewer, asks: “How does the purchase of fair-trade goods affect wages in developing countries?”Great question!
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