it is a wind that starts every day, lasts the whole day and at night calms down. So our last full day on Tinos is another road trip to take in most of the rest; the highest point of the island at Xombourgo, a longer visit to the beautiful village Pyrgos, and a couple of hours on the beach at Ormos Isterrion. The family environment which “Meltemi” offers, makes you and your family feel cozy and mainly like your home and all these in an original island environment. Don’t think over it, Book Now! Is it true? It was windy on Sikinos a couple of years ago, but wow this has been different. Tinos is considered a very windy island and the “Meltemi”, the Greek wind blows sometimes pretty neat. When on the beach, you are peppered with sandstorms which feel like a million needles piercing your skin. If you want to enjoy the greek islands visit them in June or early july. Meltemi (plural: meltemia) is a summer local wind expressed yearly at greek beaches and, especially, Aegean. It isn't always that windy - sometimes it … With sand or peddle, deep or swallow waters, organized or secluded, the beaches of Tinos can please the preferences of every visitor and family. 2. Kolimpithra is located on the north shore of Tinos Island; it faces the north Aegean Sea and is exposed to the famous “Meltemi” winds that blow during the summer months. Der Meltemi weht im nördlichen und mittleren Teil der Ägäis aus Norden und fächert dann wie eine gigantische Bö aus. At one place, our bread rolls blew out of the basket. Ideal for travelers that seek authentic experiences. Eastern Mediterranean Chart . This amazing among Tinos beaches consist of sand and in some spots, small pebbles. The city of Tinos, also named Hora, is the first place you will see when arriving on the island.. Rocky beaches fare best for your beach experience during such weather conditions. Seaview apartments “Meltemi” is located at Agios Romanos’ beautiful and quiet settlement, just 13 km away from the mainland of Tinos. Plan your next session with our 16-day forecasts, charts & advanced tools Upgrade to Pro Upgrade for 16-day forecasts Get Pro. Wer nach Tinos reist, der landet zunächst einmal in der Hauptstadt der Insel. The beautiful island of Tinos is part of the Cyclades complex and one of the most popular destinations in the Aegean sea. The winds may blow over clear weather conditions without warning. in the tiny square which still puts us in mind of Capri, and the incredibly steep road down to the beach is as exciting as it gets. Search for available dates, choose the type of room that suits you and it feels like you ‘re already here.. Andros and Tinos ! The Meltemi does not put people off going to the Cyclades. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Visiting Tinos in summer can actually be slightly tricky because of the strong Meltemi winds. Next to the harbor is a bay where we drop our anchor by around 40 knots of wind, unsure whether we should go into the harbor or not. Share it.Your review is important to us. Activities and Attractions in Tinos Chora: Visiting the Capital of Tinos. The province of Tinos (Greek: Επαρχία Τήνου) was one of the provinces of the Cyclades Prefecture. The Meltemi wind blows through the Cyclades for many months of each year – we’ve experienced it before but nothing like these last few days here on Tinos. Meltemi Tinos Beach Houses are located on the quiet beach of St. Romanos at Tinos. In accordance with the weather forecast the wind calms down and should stay at a lower level, hence off we sail to Tinos. Tinos is a surprisingly lush island with green valleys and fresh water. If your main aim is to hit the beaches, the best time to visit Andros and Tinos is in summer or early autumn. Plot size:4,140m² / 44,546ft² House size:210 m² / 2,260 ft² Pool size:47 m² / 506 ft². Wir kamen aus dem kochendheißen Athen an und auf Tinos war es windig. The etymology of the word meltemi have Turkish origin. In jedem Jahr setzen Ende Mai, Anfang Juni leichte Nordwinde ein, die sogenannten Prodromi. Im Herbst sind mehrtägige Meltemi-Perioden häufiger als im Frühjahr. Tinos' position at the northern end of the Cyclades makes it particularly susceptible to Meltemi winds. Besondere Merkmale: Ein langer Strand mit tiefblauem Wasser. After breakfast today we visit the pilgrimage cathedral in Tinos town. It is an dry, seasonal wind that appears all over the Aegean but is … Meltemi . Er weht von April bis Oktober als trockener Nordwest-, Nord- und Nordostwind vom griechischen Festland in Richtung Kreta im östlichen Mittelmeer. You will not find cheap accommodation. Mit einer Sache muss man jedoch rechnen: Wind. The Etesian winds. Eine Woche später kommt dann der Sommerwind, der die Hi… If you are snorkelling enthusiast, Porto beach will not disappoint you. Afterwards, they stop temporarily in June. “Meltemi Tinos”, rental apartments, is located at Tinos, at Agios Romanos’ quite beach. September is excellent too, the sea is wormer, the meltemi stops but the days are a little sorter in daylight. If you loved your vacation and stay, spread the word!We'd love to hear your feedback. Answer 1 of 7: Hi We are planning a four week trip to Greece in September and are looking at a week on both Andros and Tinos and two weeks driving around the Peloponnes. Op Tinos waait vaak een sterke wind, zoals de Meltemi, een koude noordenwind. Answer 1 of 7: Hi We are planning a four week trip to Greece in September and are looking at a week on both Andros and Tinos and two weeks driving around the Peloponnes. At Pyrgos we take a delicious lunch (fennel sausages – what’s not to like?) Athens & The Cyclades 2019 – Tinos, Syros, Andros, GREEK ISLANDS 2017 – SANTORINI, SIKINOS, FOLEGANDROS, Follow The Hungry Travellers on If you are travelling to Tinos, you will land in the capital of the island. Restaurants struggle as table cloths lift up and catapult glasses and crockery on to the ground. Cyclades. Kolibithra bay is on the north shore of the island of Tinos, facing the north Aegean sea, home of the infamous local “meltemi”, a strong north wind that blows mainly during the summer months. The Cycladic Civilization (3000-1000 BC).cooled in the summer by the ‘Meltemi’ wind. Cyclades Tourism Cyclades Hotels Cyclades Guest House Cyclades Holiday Homes As a result, swimming was not as easy … Rate it. Independent travel, food, photography and culture, The Meltemi wind blows through the Cyclades for many months of each year – we’ve experienced it before but nothing like these last few days here on Tinos. This amazing among Tinos beaches consist of sand and in some spots, small pebbles. Over the next week Tinos is forecast to receive afternoon winds of Beaufort 7-8, while Santorini (at the southern end) only Beaufort 5-6. Typische Meltemi-Richtungen: Nord-Ägäis: Nordost; Zentral- und Süd-Ägäis: Nord; Dodekanes: Nordwest With their pass from Europe weather and on one hand make the sky looks azure and on the other hand create better visibility conditions. Notre catamaran vous fait voyager en Mer Egée à travers les Iles des Cyclades: votre périple dépendra du meltem. Schon in der Antike hatte Odysseus mit dem Wind seine Probleme. Der Wind besteht aus kontinentaler Luft aus Südrussland. Tinos' position at the northern end of the Cyclades makes it particularly susceptible to Meltemi winds. Over the next week Tinos is forecast to receive afternoon winds of Beaufort 7-8, while Santorini (at the southern end) only Beaufort 5-6.. The meltemi flows from a high pressure ridge over the Balkans towards a heat trough over the Anatolian Plateau. September is excellent too, the sea is wormer, the meltemi stops but the days are a little sorter in daylight. Prévisions de surf pour Tinos Tue 29 Dec - Mon 4 Jan . Der Meltemi wird als angenehm kühl empfunden und bringt stets heiteres Wetter und gute, klare Sicht mit sich. Although Tinos is the third biggest Cycladic island, it’s not very famous outside our country. Vorsicht ist allemal geboten, vor allem im "Auge des Meltemi" rund um Tinos, Mykonos und Naxos.Meltemi ist aber auch schon im Mai oder noch im Oktober möglich. the meltemi usually blows in August. Some of the Cycladic Islands are very popular among tourists and attract members of the international jet set every summer. Découvrez ce qu'est réellement ce vent, comment il se forme, sa force, son amplitude, et comment il conditionnera votre croisière. The meltemi is a dry cool wind that tempers the hot summer of Greece for periods of days and endows a blue clear sky and excellent visibility conditions. However, it is not recommended for those who cannot withstand the meltemi wind. Over the next week Tinos is forecast to receive afternoon winds of Beaufort 7-8, while Santorini (at the southern end) only Beaufort 5-6.. Tinos gilt als sehr windige Insel und der „Meltemi“, der griechische Wind, bläst mitunter ganz schön ordentlich. Het kan echt sterk zijn, vooral in de zomer. The first part of our trip is alright, but then the Meltemi increases it’s force steadily. This means that it is protected by waves. You don’t sleep through the night because the wind is too loud. All ferries to Tinos arrive here, albeit a few hundred meters outside the city center. You will find a cozy and family environment that will make you and your family feel comfortable; feels like home. Still, Tinos and Andros are pretty warm by any standards. Cyclades Tourism Cyclades Hotels Cyclades Guest House Cyclades Holiday Homes If you want to enjoy the greek islands visit them in June or early july. On May till the beginning of June record light north winds, know as harbingers with 2-3 weeks duration. Meltemi winds are sometimes dangerous for inexperienced or amateur sailors. It was windy on Sikinos a couple of years ago, but wow this has been different. Als u een beetje wilt zwemmen , kunt u beter naar de zuidelijke stranden gaan , want die zijn rustiger en beschut tegen de wind As we saw earlier in the week this is an emotional pilgrimage in itself, slowly crawling on hands and knees from the harbour up this steep hill, we can only imagine what emotions they feel as they enter through the archway, this magnificent building towering above them, exhausted, just this steep staircase to climb before they finally reach their destination and stand to kiss the sacred icon, such devoted people. Enjoy Wind Surfing in Kolimpithra Beach, Tinos Island, Aegean Islands, Greece. Help . The Meltemi wind blows through the Cyclades for many months of each year – we’ve experienced it before but nothing like these last few days here on Tinos. Usually it is a steady good wind which provides speed and pleasure in sailing holidays. The Meltemi really isn't a problem except for an isolated few days at a time, and you can't predict when that will be. During calm days visitors may enjoy stand-up paddle boarding. Enjoy Wind Surfing in Kolimpithra Beach, Tinos Island, Aegean Islands, Greece. Schon bei unserem ersten Kykladenaufenthalt, zwei Wochen im Juli 1991 auf Tinos machten wir die Bekanntschaft des Meltemi. Its golden sand, which spreads around uniquely, reminds scenes from a desert and with the combination of its blue waters can amaze every visitor. the meltemi usually blows in August. Ground Floor: 140 m² / 1,506 ft² If you take the ferry from Athens or from another Greek Island, you’ll arrive in Tinos, the island’s main port. If you have been to Andros or Tinos, you may have experienced some of the strongest Meltemi winds. Immer. For instance…. So, imaging these two wheels rotating towards each other generating a wind which just happens to be … Cyclades. T: 22830 24315 - 210 5012413 M: 6947690842. The saving grace is that Meltemi is warm even in the evenings so it’s a bit like living next to a giant hairdryer, therefore it spoils nothing completely, and of course we have still loved both the island and the sunshine, but this incessant howling wind has been a challenge. When it is blowing (it blows from the North) there are usually beaches and other places where you can get out of the wind on the leeward side of an island. On May till the beginning of June record light north winds, know as harbingers with 2-3 weeks duration. Meltemi Tinos, Άγιος Ρωμανός: Δείτε 7 κριτικές ταξιδιωτών, 20 φωτογραφίες και μοναδικές προσφορές για Meltemi Tinos, με ταξινόμηση#2 από 6 εξειδικευμένα καταλύματα σε Άγιος Ρωμανός και βαθμολογία 5 στα 5 στο Tripadvisor. Consistent summer spot in the full fetch of the Meltemi wind. In the northern hemisphere, the air rotates clockwise around a high pressure system and anti-clockwise around a low pressure system.. Er weht von April bis Oktober als trockener Nordwest-, Nord- und Nordostwind vom griechischen Festland in Richtung Kreta im östlichen Mittelmeer. While these typically appear in July and of August, they hadn’t died off when we visited Tinos in early September. Meltemi (plural: meltemia) is a summer local wind expressed yearly at greek beaches and, especially, Aegean. Windstärke fünf bis sechs. If you love sandy beaches, meltemi days mean you get sand in your teeth. The Meltemi - μελτέμι was known by the old Greeks as the Etesian northerly winds, and results from a high pressure system (>1025) laying over the Balkan/Hungary area and a relatively low pressure (<1010) system over Turkey . The Meltemi wind blows through the Cyclades for many months of each year – we’ve experienced it before but nothing like these last few days here on Tinos. Wearing a dress is a danger zone. All day the Meltemi wind has been gusting above Tinos, high across the terraces of the upper villages, and low over the southern beaches driving sand out to sea in body whipping swirls: it's like being assailed by shot from Lilliputian blunderbusses.This evening sudden squalls, thundering out of the darkness, are pummelling our little apartment…
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