Im Buch gefunden – Seite 61... in Germany Hallenburg's history of Sweden , Swedish Haller's history of the Swiss under the Romans , German poems Halloran's occasional poems funeral ... Im Buch gefunden – Seite 295Many of Fleming's shorter poems were written for weddings and funerals, and the majority of these are in German; the “ode” (i.e., the song form that he ... Im Buch gefunden – Seite 287Udseln - , to temporize , act the double -gedict , . funeral poem , plaintive poem . dealer ; fich mit etivas - , to have in mind , -geprånge , n . funeral ... Im Buch gefunden – Seite 111Leichenchor , m . , -3 , -e , funeral choir , funeral dirge . leichenstill , still as death . leicht , light , easy . leichtbeschwingt , light - winged . Leid , n . , -es , harm , injury ; sorrow ; ein —8 tun , to do harm , hurt . leiden , litt , gelitten , suffer , endure ... Im Buch gefunden – Seite 11STORM The storm pressed his rude brow against the pane ; The dark black clouds drove by , blowing their rain Like tatters of a giant funeral flag , And swift as fever - fancies playing tag . A sudden longing sent you , dumb with fear , Into my ... Im Buch gefunden – Seite 616-musik , f . funeral music . jecting part of the roof ] eaves . ... -verre , pl . mournful , plaintive Triefen . funeral poem ; it . plaintive poem , elegy ... Im Buch gefunden – Seite 112In P.W.IV.15 ( An Herrn Johan Klipstein ) , for example , whose theme is the power of music and poetry , Fleming ... of the Thomasschule as a church school in the thirteenth century , was to sing at church services , funerals , and weddings . Im Buch gefunden – Seite 307Who dares to interrupt the solemn funeral ? Clavigo . Set it down ! ... Ha ! torches ! a funeral ! ( He runs I 2 OF GERMAN POETRY . 307. Im Buch gefunden – Seite 471German thinkers had been much more concerned with the substance and not the ... in poetry, celebrating baptisms and weddings, funerals and eulogies. Im Buch gefunden – Seite 533centuries, may be considered in more than one way a history of the very soul of the German people, reflecting its ideals and ... Later sources assure us of the existence of nuptial poems, funeral hymns, love-songs, and dramatic plays. Im Buch gefunden – Seite 203 vols . 8vo , with Maps and Plans , £ 1 , 118.6d . RUTLAND . Notes of an Irish Tour in 1846. By the DUKE OF RUTLAND , G.C.B. ( Lord John MANNERS ) . New Edition . Crown 8vo , 28. 6d . RUTLAND . Gems of German Poetry . Translated by ... Im Buch gefunden – Seite 175481—The Nuptial Funeral. An Historical Fragment. (From a German Chronicle.) 547—State of Chemistry in Germany. The Amer. Apollo.—Boston. I—Jan. 6-Sept. Im Buch gefunden – Seite 133a graduated collection of easy poems for repetition from modern German poets Emma Sophia Buchheim. to krähen , wk . to crow . krant ... Leichenchor , m . -es ; -chöre , funeral choir , funeral chant . leicht , adj . light . leid , adj . sad , sorrowful . Im Buch gefunden – Seite 533centuries , may be considered in more than one way a history of the very soul of the German people , reflecting its ideals ... existence of nuptial poems , funeral hymns , love - songs , and dramatic plays . ... The chief reason why so much of the oldest German poetry was lost or suppressed must be ascribed to the Church . Im Buch gefunden – Seite 111with music to some of the poems Oscar Carl Burkhard. langgesucht , long sought ... Leichenchor , m . , -8 , se , funeral choir , funeral dirge . leichenstill , still as death . leicht , light , easy . leichtbeschwingt , light - winged . Leid , n . , -e8 , harm ... Im Buch gefunden – Seite 41Hark , funeral knell ! " The body we're interring ! " The mourning train with hearse and bier And lamentations , now drew near . Like croaking frogs the singing , From bogs and marshes.ringing . Nach Mitternacht begrabt den Leib , Mit Klang ... Im Buch gefunden – Seite 11NT Baccalaureate addresses Confederate Memorial Day addresses Fourth of July ... German ( May Subd Geog ) UF German occasional verse BT German poetry ... We are republishing these classic works in affordable, high quality, modern editions, using the original text and artwork. Im Buch gefunden – Seite 118no wedding or funeral was complete without its accompanying Latin verses . In Latin , poets had at their disposal the whole range of forms and themes from ... Im Buch gefunden – Seite 31The 1720 published collection clearly follows both her division of the manuscript into four parts – devotional poems , funeral poems , celebratory poems and ... Im Buch gefunden – Seite 448According to the German Dictionary of J.C. Adelung Carl Gottlob Küttner, ... 2 , Mein Herz ist mir tuary , das Leidencarmen , funeral verses , an ele leicht ... Im Buch gefunden – Seite 450German - English Fr.Wilhelm Thieme, Emil Preusser ... -n , T. draught ; draft ; -- marsch , m . funeral - march ; -mufit , -nbuch , n . check - book . f . mourning - music ; -nadel , s . black rowful ... Morpheus ; du mich getroffen !. good , good ! you poem ; funeral poem ; plaintive poem ; -land , n . dream - country . have me there ! Im Buch gefunden – Seite 12A similar style of outmoded criticism can be seen in Rudolf Hagelstange ' s “ Funeral Home , ” ! 4 a poem that observes the stultified relationship of an ... Im Buch gefunden – Seite 30And as by tempest scatter'd the crowd flies in alarm , The youth lies pale and lifeless in his old master's arm , He binds him on his palfrey , his cloak the funeral pall , And silently and slowly he leaves with him the hall . But ' fore the lofty portal ... Im Buch gefunden – Seite 337Leidscntafel , j . funeral rorch . Bailey 1 - y ll . T. X. A. Leidenfarbè , f . colour of a dead body . Leidengedidit , n . funeral poem . Im Buch gefunden – Seite 100With funeral bells to chime me , I turn me to the dale . O hills , when I did climb ye , What recked I of the gale ? The leaves blow from the lime , see ! The leaves are soaked with rain , O God , how long will the time be , Until we meet again ? Im Buch gefunden – Seite 145By another regulation “ the expence of funerals is limited , and oak coffins are pro“ hibited ; as are heyducs and running footmen . Tegnèr's poem must be ... Im Buch gefunden – Seite 61... German poems Halloran's occasional poems funeral sermon - on the fabbath lachrymæ Hibernicæ Halma geographie Halfted's two aflize fermons v 669 Haly's ... Im Buch gefunden – Seite 616-musik , f . funeral music . jecting part of the roof ] eaves . ... dropping , flowing , V. funeral poem ; it . plaintive poem , elegy . verses . Im Buch gefundenAs a result Platen's poems may at times lack depth of feeling but they ... yet forceful march of the army's funeral procession while the careful choice ... Im Buch gefunden – Seite 388Treibebels ; mourning - poem ; funeral poem ; plainTräumerei ' , f . - pl . -en , dreaming , jagd , f . chase where the game is driven live poem ; - gefolge , ni followers of to certain places , where it may be a funeral ; -gefühl , n . sad feeling ; revery ... Im Buch gefunden – Seite 74THE mat little ; View of the Present State of Poetry We may remark among our moin ... of painting mist by niist - is be . will be witness its funeral ? Im Buch gefunden – Seite 17Night - ravens flappe the wing . What knell doth slowly tolle ding dong ? The psalms of death who sing ? Forth creepes a swarthy funeral train , A corse is on the biere ; Like croke of todes from lonely moores , The chauntings meete the eere . Im Buch gefunden – Seite 104Two men compose his funeral train , To bear his coffin more were vain , And as he to his grave now hies , See , no one laughs and no one cries ! THE STRIKE OF THE SMITHS . FROM THE FRENCH OF 104 MASTERPIECES OF GERMAN ... Im Buch gefunden – Seite 271Elisabeth Borchers The Funeral in Bollschweil When someone has died whom we knew well , I test our memory . It is good for nothing , I find . Im Buch gefunden – Seite 168At the very end of the funeral publication, after the five sermons for the dead ... Within the context of the funeral lament, these poems make a powerful, ... Im Buch gefunden – Seite 48Dach ' s , " Grethke , warumb heffstu mi " , is one of his most important poems , for it was widely sung and frequently imitated . ... 15 Another example of Dach ' s sense of humor was his contribution to the mock funeral of a friend ' s dog . Making ... Im Buch gefunden – Seite 5This was one of around thirty Latin and German poems published on Dorothea ... and Kuntsch's future son-in-law.13 Publication of funeral verse was common ... Im Buch gefunden – Seite 953Ent . red - berried elder ; -bügel , m , vine - clad hill ; || morio ; -marsa , m . funeral march ; -monu-hyacinthe , f . cluster ... ( one ) f . mournful or sad gesture ; -gedicht , n . an explanation ; to undeceive ; II . comp . mourning poem ; funeral poem ... Im Buch gefunden – Seite 307Who dares to interrupt the solemn funeral ? Clavigo . Set it down ! ... Ha ! torches ! a funeral ! ( He runs X 2 OF GERMAN POETRY . 307. Im Buch gefunden – Seite 425125 His Teütsche Poemata ( German Poems ) , edited and published posthumously by ... occasional ( felicitations , funerals , weddings ) , and amatory . Im Buch gefunden – Seite 1011German and English Nicolaus Napoleon Wilhelm Meissner ... ( vom Geisilidhen cin Braut : dress ; - rede , f . mourning - sermon , funeral paar - ) to marry , to join in marriage ; rid ) speech ... ing poem ; funeral poem , elegy , monody ; ( Vertrautiein ) intimacy ; b ) ( Bequemlidykeit ) poem ; -gefolge , n . followers of a funeral ... Im Buch gefunden – Seite 538Leibzüchter , der , die Leibzüchterinn , a Leichencarmen , det , funeral Verses or Dowager , one that enjoys a Pension Ditties , an Elegy or Dirge . or an ... Im Buch gefunden – Seite 1011-c ) a ) credentials ; mourning horse ( which is led after a funeral ) ; 6 ) vid ... keit , f . a ) ( Herzlid ) feit ) cordiality , ing poem ; funeral poem ... Im Buch gefunden – Seite 640juice of grapes , wine , red wine ; black flag ( at a funeral ) ; -fall , m . drop , drip , trickle . -nbohrer , m . wimble ; --nbräme , f . 1. death ... poem ; funeral poem , elegy , monody ; Iraulich , I. adj . 1. familiar , intimate , fraut ; -ngebirge , n . vine - hills ... Im Buch gefunden – Seite 29Where he is not Is a funeral pall , To me the world Is turned to gall . My poor head throbs And seems to me crazed , My senses wander As one amazed . My heart is heavy , My peace is o'er ; I shall find it never , Ah ! never more . For him mine ... Im Buch gefunden – Seite 392Fugitive Verses , by Joanna Baillie , v 366 George IV . , Memoirs of the Court of ... 60 Funeral of the Great Duke , by Ten- German Poetry , a survey of . Im Buch gefunden – Seite 388-en , dreaming , jagd , f . chase where the game is driven live poem ; - gefolge , n . followers of to certain places , where it may be a funeral ; gefühl ... Im Buch gefunden – Seite 367Uriorugedicht , n . funeral poem . Leibarst , m . physician in ordinary . Leichengerüft , ni castrum doloris . Leibbardier , m . prince's shaver ...
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