Im Buch gefunden – Seite 16129 , 106 Cotton manufactures 46,966 Silk manufactures . ... The higher sorts of cigars made by the regia are tolerably uniform in quality , and good . Im Buch gefunden – Seite 972Impure nitrites may be ing from the treatment of cellulose , as cotton , wood - fibre , obtained also by fusing the alkaline ... from 79.1 to 79.2 per cent . , by vol . , of the erty is its anesthetic effect on the animal system when atmosphere of the earth . ... Domingo , was mortally wounded in an engagement with Nitro - Muriat'ic Acid ( syn . aqua regia , Fr. eau régale ; an Eng vessel , and d . at Havana Jan. Im Buch gefunden – Seite 165... in floating dust , fibres of cotton , or other floating disagreeable odour which resembles rotten eggs ' ; hydrochloric acid ... If prepared in or near a dissolving in aqua regia , by giving a white precipia minute shovel , ' made of German silver ... Im Buch gefunden – Seite 893Walnut ( Juglans regia ) is the chief timber used for the manufacture of rifle work all over the world , as it stands up exceptionally well when worked to a ... Im Buch gefunden – Seite 2081841 . throughout a wide extent of country , and has a considerable BERCIIING , bônking , a small town of Bavaria , on ... In the royal salt - mines in its vicinity 200 min with 77 in bitants , who manufacture cotton yarn and are employed , and ihe ... Im Buch gefunden – Seite 623... the Commons of Commons would fall again upon the ¢ , abroad in the World . ... pursuant to the Hint given by Sir Robert Cotton , + The good Disposition ... Im Buch gefunden – Seite 20The “ Chinese " cotton of commerce is , according to Watt ( Wild and Cultivated Cottons of the World ) , an annual or perennial bush , with delicate ... This cotton is cultivated throughout tropical Asia . ... JUCLANS REGIA L. Juglandaceae . Im Buch gefunden – Seite 2081841 . throughout a wide extent of country , and has a considerable BERCHING , bênking , a small town of Bavaria , on ... In the royal salt - mines in its vicinity 200 miners with 770 inhabitants , who manufacture cotton yarn and are employed ... Im Buch gefunden – Seite 707Its remains , with those GOWANUS , V. , Brooklyn , Kings co . , N. Y. It conof its suburbs , extend along a dry channel ' of ... of woollen stuffs , an ed shores ; several interesting ancient remains , & much orphan asylum , in which is a cotton yarn ... Im Buch gefunden – Seite 294They first appear on the surface the Tropical Fern House we find more Near to the Palm House is the Water- of the water curled up ... The Herbaceous Ground is chiefly atVictoria Regia , which is now to be found ance ; on their putting off their defensive attitude tractive ... referred to is of varieties and sub - varieties ; the cotton there are collections of maples , horserecent construction ; its division into plant ... Im Buch gefunden – Seite 20A wild cotton , found in tropical America and also in central and western Africa . It is described ( Watt , Wild and Cultivated Cottons of the World ) as a ... Im Buch gefunden – Seite 627World. Western India , S. of the Sutlej , protected by the Bri . tish . Area , 26 square miles . Pop . 5500 . Dhamonee , dÃ¥'mo - nee ' , or Dhamani , dÃ¥ mÃ¥ ' nee ' , a ... The products include wheat , opium , sugar - cane , and cotton . ... Dhiakofto , a village of Greece , in the Morea , near the mouth of a stream of the same name , 3 miles SE . of Vostitza . ... metropolis of Ptolemy , and the Saphar - Regia of Pliny . Im Buch gefunden – Seite 75... Ancient History at Oxford (Emeritus) Fergus Millar Hannah Cotton, Guy MacLean Rogers ... put up in his home town, Bulla Regia in the province of Africa, ... Im Buch gefunden – Seite 698The river B. rises in the Bohemian forest, in the circle of Pilscn, and flows into the Moldau near Konigsaal. ... is a gigantic winter lily, with leaves 6 ft., and flowers 15 in. in diam, which has received the name of Victoria Regia. The principal productions of the colony are sugar, codec, tobacco, cocoa, cotton, and arnotto. Cotton ... Im Buch gefundenIN THE News : TRADE 0.5M COTTON BALES DEALS FINALIZED Japanese envoy for lifting dumping duties on yarn The spinners have made ... The world cotton prices are presently Business circles say that around 0.2 being quoted between 6.1 to 66 cents per million bales , booked ... Free import of 30 combed yarn in US was allowed after the implemen tion of World Trade Organisation regia in 1995 . Im Buch gefunden – Seite 8Cotton highly magnified 27 5. Spbagnum moss . Example of a false fiber 28 6 ... The Inajá palm , Maximiliana regia 239 83. The Sago palm , Metroxylon sagu . Im Buch gefunden – Seite 316... with his right hand to a two cherubim , and quite above all , in cherub , who , accompanied by two angels , is about to place the crown on * Cotton MSS . - Nero , Civ , • Harleian MSS . , 7026 . Biblia Regia , 2 A xxii MSS . Regia , 1 D i . Im Buch gefunden(Juglans nigra; J. regia) I am the walnut tree. A native North American tree, ... The hull is the soft green covering around the hard brown nut. Im Buch gefunden – Seite 171... public 87–90 World Expositions: Centennial Exposition (Philadelphia, ... Victoria regia lily 114; White City 43 World's Industrial and Cotton Centennial ... Im Buch gefunden – Seite 14The ball runs and At the present time we have no cotton bags in service , ball rollers have a tendency to accumulate moisture and ... sq . ft . of over for 3 ins . and sewed across at the lower part of filtering surface per cu . ft . of gas per minute , and as the fold . ... Gases are disBelek Shakin's Handle one Regia 42 BAGS ON ONE PIPE END OF BUILDINO REMOVED SHOWING SIDE OF SHAKER 14 ' W.1 . Im Buch gefunden – Seite 2018See France Gaulish nut ( walnut , Juglans regia ) , 1876. ... 1289 , 1299 gazelle , in Near East ( prehistoric ) sites , 1124 gbanja kola ( kola nut ... Im Buch gefunden – Seite 64“ Ho“ die verò in Daniâ sola regia metropolis Hafnia hâc præ reliquis “ urbibus gaudet ... esq . well known to the literary world as the translator of the ... Im Buch gefunden – Seite 457An extensive cotton manufactory SATISFACTION , an island of the Louisade was erected here towards the end of last cent . archipelago , in 8 lat . ... Italy , in the duchy of source in the N part of the state of New York , U.S. , Modena , near the r . bank of the Secchia , 12 m . ... His brosupposed to have been known to the Romans by the ther , who was then created rajah , having died in title of Ganges Regia . Im Buch gefundenThe plantations produced cotton (the first Somali export crop), sugar, and bananas. ... in the colony in 1929, after the world cotton market collapsed. Im Buch gefunden – Seite 319gels , is about to place the crown on * Cotton MSS . - Nero , O iv , + Harleian MSS . , 5102 . * Harleian MSS . , 7026 . Biblia Regia , 2 A xxil + Bib . Regia , ? Å xviil , MSS . Regia , ' 1 Di. # Harleian MSS . , 2900 . received her attentions with as ... Im Buch gefunden – Seite 375742253 Liriomyza trifolii on cotton seedlings in Israel . ... the current situation of aflatoxin contamination of food imported from throughout the world . Im Buch gefunden – Seite 2344His works include The Cultivation of Cotton in India. ... Burret English: morass royal Brazil: palmeira imperial do brejo R. regia (Kunth) Cook English: ... Im Buch gefunden – Seite 86... 12 Royal Palm Oreodoxa regia 12 Broadleaf evergreen forest Hong Kong Indian Laural Fig Ficus retusa 25 Candlenut Tree Aleurites moluccana 20 Silk Cotton ... Im Buch gefunden – Seite 20This cotton is cultivated throughout tropical Asia . ... An African variety which , according to Watt ( Wild and Cultivated Cottons of the World ) , differs ... Im Buch gefunden – Seite xxvii“dilate Alpha-nit“ regia,Hiberni cuigo diceboutur Scoti. ... was that which was subsequently purchased by Sir Robert Cotton, we have evidence that it was ... Im Buch gefunden – Seite 615Walnut ( Juglans regia ) is the chief timber used for the manufacture of rifle work all over the world , as it stands up exceptionally well when worked to a ... Im Buch gefunden – Seite 1067... Archontophoenix alexandrae American cotton palm - Washingtonia filifera ... coyoli palm - Acrocomia aculeata Cuban royal palm - Roystonea regia curly ... Im Buch gefunden – Seite 164The capital is George Town , near sey lily , supposed to be a native of Japan , the mouth of the river Demerara . attain a state of ... S.E. of Formerly the name had a much wider Braga ; it has manufs . of linen and cotton application , being extended to the whole fabrics , etc. ... S. and this is the native country of the large lat . , and was discovered and partly colonized water - plant called the Victoria Regia . Im Buch gefundenAt that period of World War II, when Britain's fortunes had reached their nadir ... a very different proposition from the Italian Regia Aeronautica – and, ... Vom einfarbigen Muster mit Zöpfen bis hin zum 4-farbigen Modell mit Jacquardmuster bietet der Titel alles, was man sich bis jetzt selbst als erfahrene Sockenstrickerin nicht vorstellen konnte. Im Buch gefunden – Seite 165... of cotton , or other floating disagreeable odour which resembles rotten eggs ; hydrochloric acid , and this distinguishes it ... It prepared in or near a dissolving in aqua regia , by giving a white precipia minute shovel , ' made of German silver ... Im Buch gefunden – Seite 185... 176 Corpse lily Rafflesia arnoldii 103 Cotton Gossypium hirsutum 171 ... 113 English walnut Juglans regia 150 Epicattleya Rene Marques Epicattleya 'Rene ... Im Buch gefunden – Seite 395... his Grastill preserv'd in the Cotton • vity becoming the MajeLibrary ... England , but the World , chas reason to lament his All the Graces , says being ... Im Buch gefunden – Seite 174... regia potestate.25 The Dominican friar demanded that the king of Spain renounce his jurisdiction in the New World and return sovereignty to the natives, ... Im Buch gefunden – Seite 209Xingu and Tapajoz to the Guianas , and along the year in the N. ( Maranhão , Ceará , where the E. winds run Amazon to the Japurá ; ( 4 ) ... tobacco , cacao , cinknown variety of palm - trees ( Mauricia , Copernicia , Attalea ) , chona Sugar - cane and cotton predominate in the ... In the waters grow the Victoria regia . and brandy ( cachaça ) in Pernambuco , Bahia , Minas Geraes , Tropical evergreen forests ... Im Buch gefunden – Seite 287... Mangifera indica , Mango ; Gossypium arboreum , Tree Cotton ; Corchorus ... Pyrus communis , Pear ; Pyrus malus , Apple ; Juglans regia , Walnut . 4. Im Buch gefunden – Seite 205... either replaced or are grown alongside one another throughout the world. ... yet commercial groves of English walnut ( J. regia) in North America are ... Im Buch gefunden – Seite 115... and it is prepared regia , will dissolve gold and platinum . artificially by the ... of dynamite and sometimes known as Chili saltpetre . gun cotton . Im Buch gefunden – Seite 164The capital is George Town , near sey lily , supposed to be a native of Japan , the mouth of the river Demerara . attain a state of great luxuriance . ... Braga ; it has manufs . of linen and cotton Formerly the name had a much wider fabrics , cutlery , hardware , leather , paper ... S. and this is the native country of the large lat . , and was discovered and partly colonized water - plant called the Victoria Regia . Im Buch gefunden – Seite 395... and still preserv'd in the Cotton Library , from whence the Learned Dr. Burnet ... that not only England , but the World , chas reason to lament ... Im Buch gefunden – Seite 293it was introduced from South America into West Africa around 1500. ... and Ipomoea batatas) eventually received wide acceptance throughout the world, ... Im Buch gefunden – Seite 90People from all over the world have gathered From the dust and ashes of war ... Comvictoria regia ( royal water - lily ) flowered there rade Nissar is the ... Im Buch gefunden – Seite 212... Pheidole oxyops subsp . regia Forel 1908h : 378 , synonymy by Kempf 1964e ... ( 1994 ) found the species abundant along the forest edge and in cotton ... Im Buch gefunden – Seite 2021By the | the union of the Guaporé and Mamore rivers near Anglo - French agreement of Aug. ... A few wild Indians $ 7,979 , 179 ) cotton - goods , ironmongery , live there , and rubber - gatherers have settlements crockery and rum . ... There are few roads or wheeled glans regia . vehicles in Madagascar , although there is no lack MADELIA , a village and the capital of Watonof manual skill among the ... Im Buch gefunden – Seite 125Shown here: Regia Cotton 4-ply (41% wool, 34% cotton, 25% nylon; 220 yd [201 m]/50 g): #0037 petrol (dark blue), 2 balls, and #0088 turquoise, 1 ball.

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