Share Thread. With this memory module if the Start-Stop system is deactivated, it stays disabled until it is activated by the driver again! Audi. But whether it’s stop/start, start/stop, i-Stop, Stop & Go or another branding exercise, the broad function is the same – to turn off the engine automatically when the car is stationary and turn it back on again when you need it. (16 febr. The Start-Stop system is always active when you start the car. - Finally it has arrived!!! 79 Antworten Neuester Beitrag am 30. (16 febr. A7 - Disabling Start-Stop by default? Service Campaign 45H2. Bit 2 deaktivieren Byte 15 Bit 0 aktivieren Bit 1 aktivieren Bit 2 aktivieren Bit 3 aktivieren STG 05 (Zugangs- und Startberechtigung) auswählen STG Lange Codierung -> Funktion 07 Byte 1 Bit 5 deaktivieren sorry for the funny language Show Full Signature. A1; A2; A3
Audi A5. Je tedy dost pravděpodobné, že současné motory funkci start-stop v delším časovém horizontu prostě nezvládnou a projeví se u nich nadměrné opotřebení právě z důvodu startování častějšího, než na jaké byly stavěné. MENU Toggle navigation. Previous Thread; Next Thread; Please make a selection first; new « Prev; 1; Next » pubba New Member. Quite annoying. Man kann beim A4 8k, A5 8T, A6/A7 4G das Start Stop default auf off setzen oder sogar mit memory codieren.. Auch die Leuchte des Schalters lässt sich invertieren. Start and stop deactivation. Audi A5 8T od rv.. 2012 Audi Q5 8R od rv. A5 SB 2.0 TFSI 155kW quattro Pro-Line S-tron. OFF = switch is disabled and vehicle will not shut itself down when coming to a stop. Home; Coding; Project; Tuning; US-Import; Facelifting; Contact; About us; Shop. Facebook; Twitter; Tumblr; LinkedIn; Pinterest ; MySpace; Email; Go to.
A5 SB 2.0 TFSI 155kW quattro Pro-Line S-tron. Posts: 1 Start and stop deactivation Feb 16, 2019 18:20:55 GMT via mobile solaris likes this. … I'll let it get on and continue until the next service unchanged ... Show Full Signature. Boom. Done. If you want to avoid it just disable the intelligent freewheel and start stop.
It seems that I have to disable it after every ignition and the setting is neither stored in the car or key settings. Select Post; Deselect … The absolute least Audi could have done would have been to allow the Start/Stop button to be toggled ON or OFF in the vehicle menu - ie. Mai 2015 um 8:24. 2010 - .....) A3 HB 2.0 FSI 110kW Pro-Line - 8P (26 jan. 2007 - 16 febr.